
(*** Translation for natural numbers

  Building terms for inductive types and their translations is very
  time consuming so instead we opt for a more synthetic approach where we build
  those terms in Coq in order to justify that we could have built them by hand.


From Coq Require Import Utf8 List Bool Lia.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From GhostTT Require Import Util BasicAST.
From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms Relation_Definitions.

Import ListNotations.

Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Set Equations Transparent.
Set Universe Polymorphism.

We first define ty

Inductive ty@{i} :=
| tyval (mk : mark) (A : Type@{i}) (a : A)
| tyerr.

Definition El@{i} (T : ty@{i}) : Type@{i} :=
  match T with
  | tyval mk A aA
  | tyerrunit

Definition Err@{i} T : El@{i} T :=
  match T with
  | tyval mk A aa
  | tyerrtt

Recall the definition of natural numbers

Succeed Inductive nat :=
| O
| S (n : nat).

To define erasure of nat, we introduce an inductive type with errors.

Inductive err_nat : Set :=
| err_O
| err_S (n : err_nat)
| nat_err.

Definition erase_nat : ty :=
  tyval@{Set} Any err_nat nat_err.

Definition erase_O : El erase_nat :=

Definition erase_S : El erase_nat El erase_nat :=

Lemma err_nat_elim :
   (P : El erase_nat ty)
    (z : El (P erase_O))
    (s : (n : El erase_nat), El (P n) El (P (erase_S n)))
    (n : El erase_nat),
    El (P n).
  cbn. intros P z s n.
  induction n.
  - assumption.
  - apply s. assumption.
  - apply Err.

Computation rules

Lemma err_nat_elim_O :
   P z s,
    err_nat_elim P z s erase_O = z.

Lemma err_nat_elim_S :
   P z s n,
    err_nat_elim P z s (erase_S n) = s n (err_nat_elim P z s n).


Inductive pm_nat : err_nat SProp :=
| pm_O : pm_nat err_O
| pm_S : n, pm_nat n pm_nat (err_S n).

Lemma pm_nat_elim :
   (Pe : El erase_nat ty) (PP : n (nP : pm_nat n), El (Pe n) SProp)
    (ze : El (Pe err_O)) (zP : PP err_O pm_O ze)
    (se : n, El (Pe n) El (Pe (err_S n)))
    (sP : n nP (h : El (Pe n)) (hP : PP n nP h), PP (err_S n) (pm_S n nP) (se n h))
    n (nP : pm_nat n),
    PP n nP (err_nat_elim Pe ze se n).
  cbn. intros Pe PP ze zP se sP n nP.
  induction nP. all: eauto.

Lemma pm_nat_elim_Prop :
   (Pe : err_nat unit) (PP : n (nP : pm_nat n), SProp)
    (z : PP err_O pm_O)
    (s : n nP (h : PP n nP), PP (err_S n) (pm_S n nP))
    n (nP : pm_nat n),
    PP n nP.
  intros Pe PP z s n nP.
  induction nP. all: eauto.

Computation rules are trivial because we are in SProp