
From GhostTT.autosubst Require Import core unscoped.
From GhostTT Require Import BasicAST.
From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms Relation_Definitions.

Module Core.

Inductive cterm : Type :=
  | cvar : nat cterm
  | cSort : cmode level cterm
  | cPi : cmode cterm cterm cterm
  | clam : cmode cterm cterm cterm
  | capp : cterm cterm cterm
  | cunit : cterm
  | ctt : cterm
  | ctop : cterm
  | cstar : cterm
  | cbot : cterm
  | cbot_elim : cmode cterm cterm cterm
  | cty : level cterm
  | ctyval : mark cterm cterm cterm
  | ctyerr : cterm
  | cEl : cterm cterm
  | cErr : cterm cterm
  | squash : cterm cterm
  | sq : cterm cterm
  | sq_elim : cterm cterm cterm cterm
  | teq : cterm cterm cterm cterm
  | trefl : cterm cterm cterm
  | tJ : cterm cterm cterm cterm
  | ebool : cterm
  | etrue : cterm
  | efalse : cterm
  | bool_err : cterm
  | eif : cmode cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm
  | pbool : cterm
  | ptrue : cterm
  | pfalse : cterm
  | pif : cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm
  | enat : cterm
  | ezero : cterm
  | esucc : cterm cterm
  | enat_elim : cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm
  | pnat : cterm
  | pzero : cterm
  | psucc : cterm cterm
  | pnat_elim :
      cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm
  | pnat_elimP : cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm
  | evec : cterm cterm
  | evnil : cterm cterm
  | evcons : cterm cterm cterm
  | evec_elim : cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm
  | pvec : cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm
  | pvnil : cterm cterm
  | pvcons : cterm cterm cterm cterm
  | pvec_elim :
      cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm
  | pvec_elimG :
      cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm
  | pvec_elimP :
      cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm cterm.

Lemma congr_cSort {s0 : cmode} {s1 : level} {t0 : cmode} {t1 : level}
  (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) : cSort s0 s1 = cSort t0 t1.
exact (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xcSort x s1) H0))
         (ap (fun xcSort t0 x) H1)).

Lemma congr_cPi {s0 : cmode} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {t0 : cmode}
  {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) :
  cPi s0 s1 s2 = cPi t0 t1 t2.
exact (eq_trans
         (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xcPi x s1 s2) H0))
            (ap (fun xcPi t0 x s2) H1)) (ap (fun xcPi t0 t1 x) H2)).

Lemma congr_clam {s0 : cmode} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {t0 : cmode}
  {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) :
  clam s0 s1 s2 = clam t0 t1 t2.
exact (eq_trans
         (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xclam x s1 s2) H0))
            (ap (fun xclam t0 x s2) H1)) (ap (fun xclam t0 t1 x) H2)).

Lemma congr_capp {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} {t1 : cterm}
  (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) : capp s0 s1 = capp t0 t1.
exact (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xcapp x s1) H0))
         (ap (fun xcapp t0 x) H1)).

Lemma congr_cunit : cunit = cunit.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_ctt : ctt = ctt.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_ctop : ctop = ctop.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_cstar : cstar = cstar.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_cbot : cbot = cbot.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_cbot_elim {s0 : cmode} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {t0 : cmode}
  {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) :
  cbot_elim s0 s1 s2 = cbot_elim t0 t1 t2.
exact (eq_trans
         (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xcbot_elim x s1 s2) H0))
            (ap (fun xcbot_elim t0 x s2) H1))
         (ap (fun xcbot_elim t0 t1 x) H2)).

Lemma congr_cty {s0 : level} {t0 : level} (H0 : s0 = t0) : cty s0 = cty t0.
exact (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xcty x) H0)).

Lemma congr_ctyval {s0 : mark} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {t0 : mark}
  {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) :
  ctyval s0 s1 s2 = ctyval t0 t1 t2.
exact (eq_trans
         (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xctyval x s1 s2) H0))
            (ap (fun xctyval t0 x s2) H1))
         (ap (fun xctyval t0 t1 x) H2)).

Lemma congr_ctyerr : ctyerr = ctyerr.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_cEl {s0 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) : cEl s0 = cEl t0.
exact (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xcEl x) H0)).

Lemma congr_cErr {s0 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) : cErr s0 = cErr t0.
exact (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xcErr x) H0)).

Lemma congr_squash {s0 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) :
  squash s0 = squash t0.
exact (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xsquash x) H0)).

Lemma congr_sq {s0 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) : sq s0 = sq t0.
exact (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xsq x) H0)).

Lemma congr_sq_elim {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {t0 : cterm}
  {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) :
  sq_elim s0 s1 s2 = sq_elim t0 t1 t2.
exact (eq_trans
         (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xsq_elim x s1 s2) H0))
            (ap (fun xsq_elim t0 x s2) H1))
         (ap (fun xsq_elim t0 t1 x) H2)).

Lemma congr_teq {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {t0 : cterm}
  {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) :
  teq s0 s1 s2 = teq t0 t1 t2.
exact (eq_trans
         (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xteq x s1 s2) H0))
            (ap (fun xteq t0 x s2) H1)) (ap (fun xteq t0 t1 x) H2)).

Lemma congr_trefl {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} {t1 : cterm}
  (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) : trefl s0 s1 = trefl t0 t1.
exact (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xtrefl x s1) H0))
         (ap (fun xtrefl t0 x) H1)).

Lemma congr_tJ {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {t0 : cterm}
  {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) :
  tJ s0 s1 s2 = tJ t0 t1 t2.
exact (eq_trans
         (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xtJ x s1 s2) H0))
            (ap (fun xtJ t0 x s2) H1)) (ap (fun xtJ t0 t1 x) H2)).

Lemma congr_ebool : ebool = ebool.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_etrue : etrue = etrue.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_efalse : efalse = efalse.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_bool_err : bool_err = bool_err.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_eif {s0 : cmode} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {s3 : cterm}
  {s4 : cterm} {s5 : cterm} {t0 : cmode} {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm}
  {t3 : cterm} {t4 : cterm} {t5 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1)
  (H2 : s2 = t2) (H3 : s3 = t3) (H4 : s4 = t4) (H5 : s5 = t5) :
  eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 = eif t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5.
exact (eq_trans
                     (eq_trans eq_refl
                        (ap (fun xeif x s1 s2 s3 s4 s5) H0))
                     (ap (fun xeif t0 x s2 s3 s4 s5) H1))
                  (ap (fun xeif t0 t1 x s3 s4 s5) H2))
               (ap (fun xeif t0 t1 t2 x s4 s5) H3))
            (ap (fun xeif t0 t1 t2 t3 x s5) H4))
         (ap (fun xeif t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 x) H5)).

Lemma congr_pbool : pbool = pbool.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_ptrue : ptrue = ptrue.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_pfalse : pfalse = pfalse.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_pif {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {s3 : cterm}
  {t0 : cterm} {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm} {t3 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0)
  (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) (H3 : s3 = t3) :
  pif s0 s1 s2 s3 = pif t0 t1 t2 t3.
exact (eq_trans
            (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xpif x s1 s2 s3) H0))
               (ap (fun xpif t0 x s2 s3) H1))
            (ap (fun xpif t0 t1 x s3) H2))
         (ap (fun xpif t0 t1 t2 x) H3)).

Lemma congr_enat : enat = enat.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_ezero : ezero = ezero.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_esucc {s0 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) :
  esucc s0 = esucc t0.
exact (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xesucc x) H0)).

Lemma congr_enat_elim {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {s3 : cterm}
  {t0 : cterm} {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm} {t3 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0)
  (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) (H3 : s3 = t3) :
  enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 = enat_elim t0 t1 t2 t3.
exact (eq_trans
               (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xenat_elim x s1 s2 s3) H0))
               (ap (fun xenat_elim t0 x s2 s3) H1))
            (ap (fun xenat_elim t0 t1 x s3) H2))
         (ap (fun xenat_elim t0 t1 t2 x) H3)).

Lemma congr_pnat : pnat = pnat.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_pzero : pzero = pzero.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma congr_psucc {s0 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) :
  psucc s0 = psucc t0.
exact (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xpsucc x) H0)).

Lemma congr_pnat_elim {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {s3 : cterm}
  {s4 : cterm} {s5 : cterm} {s6 : cterm} {s7 : cterm} {t0 : cterm}
  {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm} {t3 : cterm} {t4 : cterm} {t5 : cterm}
  {t6 : cterm} {t7 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2)
  (H3 : s3 = t3) (H4 : s4 = t4) (H5 : s5 = t5) (H6 : s6 = t6) (H7 : s7 = t7)
  : pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 = pnat_elim t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7.
exact (eq_trans
                           (eq_trans eq_refl
                              (ap (fun xpnat_elim x s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7)
                           (ap (fun xpnat_elim t0 x s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7) H1))
                        (ap (fun xpnat_elim t0 t1 x s3 s4 s5 s6 s7) H2))
                     (ap (fun xpnat_elim t0 t1 t2 x s4 s5 s6 s7) H3))
                  (ap (fun xpnat_elim t0 t1 t2 t3 x s5 s6 s7) H4))
               (ap (fun xpnat_elim t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 x s6 s7) H5))
            (ap (fun xpnat_elim t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 x s7) H6))
         (ap (fun xpnat_elim t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 x) H7)).

Lemma congr_pnat_elimP {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {s3 : cterm}
  {s4 : cterm} {s5 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm}
  {t3 : cterm} {t4 : cterm} {t5 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1)
  (H2 : s2 = t2) (H3 : s3 = t3) (H4 : s4 = t4) (H5 : s5 = t5) :
  pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 = pnat_elimP t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5.
exact (eq_trans
                     (eq_trans eq_refl
                        (ap (fun xpnat_elimP x s1 s2 s3 s4 s5) H0))
                     (ap (fun xpnat_elimP t0 x s2 s3 s4 s5) H1))
                  (ap (fun xpnat_elimP t0 t1 x s3 s4 s5) H2))
               (ap (fun xpnat_elimP t0 t1 t2 x s4 s5) H3))
            (ap (fun xpnat_elimP t0 t1 t2 t3 x s5) H4))
         (ap (fun xpnat_elimP t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 x) H5)).

Lemma congr_evec {s0 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) : evec s0 = evec t0.
exact (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xevec x) H0)).

Lemma congr_evnil {s0 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) :
  evnil s0 = evnil t0.
exact (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xevnil x) H0)).

Lemma congr_evcons {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} {t1 : cterm}
  (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) : evcons s0 s1 = evcons t0 t1.
exact (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xevcons x s1) H0))
         (ap (fun xevcons t0 x) H1)).

Lemma congr_evec_elim {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {s3 : cterm}
  {t0 : cterm} {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm} {t3 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0)
  (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) (H3 : s3 = t3) :
  evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 = evec_elim t0 t1 t2 t3.
exact (eq_trans
               (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xevec_elim x s1 s2 s3) H0))
               (ap (fun xevec_elim t0 x s2 s3) H1))
            (ap (fun xevec_elim t0 t1 x s3) H2))
         (ap (fun xevec_elim t0 t1 t2 x) H3)).

Lemma congr_pvec {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {s3 : cterm}
  {t0 : cterm} {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm} {t3 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0)
  (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) (H3 : s3 = t3) :
  pvec s0 s1 s2 s3 = pvec t0 t1 t2 t3.
exact (eq_trans
            (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xpvec x s1 s2 s3) H0))
               (ap (fun xpvec t0 x s2 s3) H1))
            (ap (fun xpvec t0 t1 x s3) H2))
         (ap (fun xpvec t0 t1 t2 x) H3)).

Lemma congr_pvnil {s0 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) :
  pvnil s0 = pvnil t0.
exact (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xpvnil x) H0)).

Lemma congr_pvcons {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {t0 : cterm}
  {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) :
  pvcons s0 s1 s2 = pvcons t0 t1 t2.
exact (eq_trans
         (eq_trans (eq_trans eq_refl (ap (fun xpvcons x s1 s2) H0))
            (ap (fun xpvcons t0 x s2) H1))
         (ap (fun xpvcons t0 t1 x) H2)).

Lemma congr_pvec_elim {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {s3 : cterm}
  {s4 : cterm} {s5 : cterm} {s6 : cterm} {s7 : cterm} {s8 : cterm}
  {s9 : cterm} {s10 : cterm} {s11 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} {t1 : cterm}
  {t2 : cterm} {t3 : cterm} {t4 : cterm} {t5 : cterm} {t6 : cterm}
  {t7 : cterm} {t8 : cterm} {t9 : cterm} {t10 : cterm} {t11 : cterm}
  (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) (H3 : s3 = t3) (H4 : s4 = t4)
  (H5 : s5 = t5) (H6 : s6 = t6) (H7 : s7 = t7) (H8 : s8 = t8) (H9 : s9 = t9)
  (H10 : s10 = t10) (H11 : s11 = t11) :
  pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 =
  pvec_elim t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11.
exact (eq_trans
                                       (eq_trans eq_refl
                                             (fun x
                                              pvec_elim x s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6
                                                s7 s8 s9 s10 s11) H0))
                                          (fun x
                                           pvec_elim t0 x s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
                                             s8 s9 s10 s11) H1))
                                       (fun x
                                        pvec_elim t0 t1 x s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8
                                          s9 s10 s11) H2))
                                    (fun x
                                     pvec_elim t0 t1 t2 x s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
                                       s10 s11) H3))
                                 (fun x
                                  pvec_elim t0 t1 t2 t3 x s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10
                                    s11) H4))
                              (fun x
                               pvec_elim t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 x s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11)
                           (fun x
                            pvec_elim t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 x s7 s8 s9 s10 s11)
                        (fun x
                         pvec_elim t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 x s8 s9 s10 s11) H7))
                     (fun xpvec_elim t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 x s9 s10 s11)
               (ap (fun xpvec_elim t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 x s10 s11)
            (ap (fun xpvec_elim t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 x s11) H10))
         (ap (fun xpvec_elim t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 x) H11)).

Lemma congr_pvec_elimG {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {s3 : cterm}
  {s4 : cterm} {s5 : cterm} {s6 : cterm} {s7 : cterm} {s8 : cterm}
  {s9 : cterm} {s10 : cterm} {s11 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} {t1 : cterm}
  {t2 : cterm} {t3 : cterm} {t4 : cterm} {t5 : cterm} {t6 : cterm}
  {t7 : cterm} {t8 : cterm} {t9 : cterm} {t10 : cterm} {t11 : cterm}
  (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) (H3 : s3 = t3) (H4 : s4 = t4)
  (H5 : s5 = t5) (H6 : s6 = t6) (H7 : s7 = t7) (H8 : s8 = t8) (H9 : s9 = t9)
  (H10 : s10 = t10) (H11 : s11 = t11) :
  pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 =
  pvec_elimG t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 t11.
exact (eq_trans
                                       (eq_trans eq_refl
                                             (fun x
                                              pvec_elimG x s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6
                                                s7 s8 s9 s10 s11) H0))
                                          (fun x
                                           pvec_elimG t0 x s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
                                             s8 s9 s10 s11) H1))
                                       (fun x
                                        pvec_elimG t0 t1 x s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8
                                          s9 s10 s11) H2))
                                    (fun x
                                     pvec_elimG t0 t1 t2 x s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
                                       s10 s11) H3))
                                 (fun x
                                  pvec_elimG t0 t1 t2 t3 x s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10
                                    s11) H4))
                              (fun x
                               pvec_elimG t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 x s6 s7 s8 s9 s10
                                 s11) H5))
                           (fun x
                            pvec_elimG t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 x s7 s8 s9 s10 s11)
                        (fun x
                         pvec_elimG t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 x s8 s9 s10 s11) H7))
                     (fun x
                      pvec_elimG t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 x s9 s10 s11) H8))
               (ap (fun xpvec_elimG t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 x s10 s11)
            (ap (fun xpvec_elimG t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 x s11) H10))
         (ap (fun xpvec_elimG t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9 t10 x) H11)).

Lemma congr_pvec_elimP {s0 : cterm} {s1 : cterm} {s2 : cterm} {s3 : cterm}
  {s4 : cterm} {s5 : cterm} {s6 : cterm} {s7 : cterm} {s8 : cterm}
  {s9 : cterm} {t0 : cterm} {t1 : cterm} {t2 : cterm} {t3 : cterm}
  {t4 : cterm} {t5 : cterm} {t6 : cterm} {t7 : cterm} {t8 : cterm}
  {t9 : cterm} (H0 : s0 = t0) (H1 : s1 = t1) (H2 : s2 = t2) (H3 : s3 = t3)
  (H4 : s4 = t4) (H5 : s5 = t5) (H6 : s6 = t6) (H7 : s7 = t7) (H8 : s8 = t8)
  (H9 : s9 = t9) :
  pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 =
  pvec_elimP t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 t9.
exact (eq_trans
                                 (eq_trans eq_refl
                                       (fun x
                                        pvec_elimP x s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8
                                          s9) H0))
                                    (fun x
                                     pvec_elimP t0 x s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9)
                                 (fun x
                                  pvec_elimP t0 t1 x s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9) H2))
                              (fun x
                               pvec_elimP t0 t1 t2 x s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9) H3))
                           (fun xpvec_elimP t0 t1 t2 t3 x s5 s6 s7 s8 s9)
                     (ap (fun xpvec_elimP t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 x s6 s7 s8 s9)
                  (ap (fun xpvec_elimP t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 x s7 s8 s9) H6))
               (ap (fun xpvec_elimP t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 x s8 s9) H7))
            (ap (fun xpvec_elimP t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 x s9) H8))
         (ap (fun xpvec_elimP t0 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 x) H9)).

Lemma upRen_cterm_cterm (xi : nat nat) : nat nat.
exact (up_ren xi).

Fixpoint ren_cterm (xi_cterm : nat nat) (s : cterm) {struct s} : cterm :=
  match s with
  | cvar s0cvar (xi_cterm s0)
  | cSort s0 s1cSort s0 s1
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      cPi s0 (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm (upRen_cterm_cterm xi_cterm) s2)
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      clam s0 (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm (upRen_cterm_cterm xi_cterm) s2)
  | capp s0 s1capp (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
  | cunitcunit
  | cttctt
  | ctopctop
  | cstarcstar
  | cbotcbot
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      cbot_elim s0 (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2)
  | cty s0cty s0
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      ctyval s0 (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2)
  | ctyerrctyerr
  | cEl s0cEl (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0)
  | cErr s0cErr (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0)
  | squash s0squash (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0)
  | sq s0sq (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0)
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
      sq_elim (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2)
  | teq s0 s1 s2
      teq (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2)
  | trefl s0 s1trefl (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
      tJ (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2)
  | eboolebool
  | etrueetrue
  | efalseefalse
  | bool_errbool_err
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      eif s0 (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s3) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s4)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s5)
  | pboolpbool
  | ptrueptrue
  | pfalsepfalse
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
      pif (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s3)
  | enatenat
  | ezeroezero
  | esucc s0esucc (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0)
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      enat_elim (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s3)
  | pnatpnat
  | pzeropzero
  | psucc s0psucc (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0)
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
      pnat_elim (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s3)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s4) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s5)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s6) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s7)
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      pnat_elimP (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s3)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s4) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s5)
  | evec s0evec (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0)
  | evnil s0evnil (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0)
  | evcons s0 s1evcons (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      evec_elim (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s3)
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
      pvec (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s3)
  | pvnil s0pvnil (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0)
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
      pvcons (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2)
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      pvec_elim (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s3)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s4) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s5)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s6) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s7)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s8) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s9)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s10) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      pvec_elimG (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s3)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s4) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s5)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s6) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s7)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s8) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s9)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s10) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
      pvec_elimP (ren_cterm xi_cterm s0) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s1)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s2) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s3)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s4) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s5)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s6) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s7)
        (ren_cterm xi_cterm s8) (ren_cterm xi_cterm s9)

Lemma up_cterm_cterm (sigma : nat cterm) : nat cterm.
exact (scons (cvar var_zero) (funcomp (ren_cterm shift) sigma)).

Fixpoint subst_cterm (sigma_cterm : nat cterm) (s : cterm) {struct s} :
cterm :=
  match s with
  | cvar s0sigma_cterm s0
  | cSort s0 s1cSort s0 s1
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      cPi s0 (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm (up_cterm_cterm sigma_cterm) s2)
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      clam s0 (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm (up_cterm_cterm sigma_cterm) s2)
  | capp s0 s1
      capp (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
  | cunitcunit
  | cttctt
  | ctopctop
  | cstarcstar
  | cbotcbot
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      cbot_elim s0 (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2)
  | cty s0cty s0
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      ctyval s0 (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2)
  | ctyerrctyerr
  | cEl s0cEl (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0)
  | cErr s0cErr (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0)
  | squash s0squash (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0)
  | sq s0sq (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0)
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
      sq_elim (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2)
  | teq s0 s1 s2
      teq (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2)
  | trefl s0 s1
      trefl (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
      tJ (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2)
  | eboolebool
  | etrueetrue
  | efalseefalse
  | bool_errbool_err
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      eif s0 (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s3) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s4)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s5)
  | pboolpbool
  | ptrueptrue
  | pfalsepfalse
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
      pif (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s3)
  | enatenat
  | ezeroezero
  | esucc s0esucc (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0)
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      enat_elim (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s3)
  | pnatpnat
  | pzeropzero
  | psucc s0psucc (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0)
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
      pnat_elim (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s3)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s4) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s5)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s6) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s7)
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      pnat_elimP (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s3)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s4) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s5)
  | evec s0evec (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0)
  | evnil s0evnil (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0)
  | evcons s0 s1
      evcons (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      evec_elim (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s3)
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
      pvec (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s3)
  | pvnil s0pvnil (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0)
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
      pvcons (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2)
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      pvec_elim (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s3)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s4) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s5)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s6) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s7)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s8) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s9)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s10) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      pvec_elimG (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s3)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s4) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s5)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s6) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s7)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s8) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s9)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s10) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
      pvec_elimP (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s0) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s1)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s2) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s3)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s4) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s5)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s6) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s7)
        (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s8) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s9)

Lemma upId_cterm_cterm (sigma : nat cterm)
  (Eq : x, sigma x = cvar x) :
   x, up_cterm_cterm sigma x = cvar x.
exact (fun n
       match n with
       | S n'ap (ren_cterm shift) (Eq n')
       | Oeq_refl

Fixpoint idSubst_cterm (sigma_cterm : nat cterm)
(Eq_cterm : x, sigma_cterm x = cvar x) (s : cterm) {struct s} :
subst_cterm sigma_cterm s = s :=
  match s with
  | cvar s0Eq_cterm s0
  | cSort s0 s1congr_cSort (eq_refl s0) (eq_refl s1)
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      congr_cPi (eq_refl s0) (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm (up_cterm_cterm sigma_cterm)
           (upId_cterm_cterm _ Eq_cterm) s2)
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      congr_clam (eq_refl s0) (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm (up_cterm_cterm sigma_cterm)
           (upId_cterm_cterm _ Eq_cterm) s2)
  | capp s0 s1
      congr_capp (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | cunitcongr_cunit
  | cttcongr_ctt
  | ctopcongr_ctop
  | cstarcongr_cstar
  | cbotcongr_cbot
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      congr_cbot_elim (eq_refl s0) (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | cty s0congr_cty (eq_refl s0)
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      congr_ctyval (eq_refl s0) (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | ctyerrcongr_ctyerr
  | cEl s0congr_cEl (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | cErr s0congr_cErr (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | squash s0congr_squash (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq s0congr_sq (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
      congr_sq_elim (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | teq s0 s1 s2
      congr_teq (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | trefl s0 s1
      congr_trefl (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
      congr_tJ (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | eboolcongr_ebool
  | etruecongr_etrue
  | efalsecongr_efalse
  | bool_errcongr_bool_err
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      congr_eif (eq_refl s0) (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | pboolcongr_pbool
  | ptruecongr_ptrue
  | pfalsecongr_pfalse
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_pif (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | enatcongr_enat
  | ezerocongr_ezero
  | esucc s0congr_esucc (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_enat_elim (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pnatcongr_pnat
  | pzerocongr_pzero
  | psucc s0congr_psucc (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
      congr_pnat_elim (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      congr_pnat_elimP (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | evec s0congr_evec (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evnil s0congr_evnil (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evcons s0 s1
      congr_evcons (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_evec_elim (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_pvec (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvnil s0congr_pvnil (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
      congr_pvcons (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      congr_pvec_elim (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      congr_pvec_elimG (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
      congr_pvec_elimP (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (idSubst_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s9)

Lemma upExtRen_cterm_cterm (xi : nat nat) (zeta : nat nat)
  (Eq : x, xi x = zeta x) :
   x, upRen_cterm_cterm xi x = upRen_cterm_cterm zeta x.
exact (fun nmatch n with
                | S n'ap shift (Eq n')
                | Oeq_refl

Fixpoint extRen_cterm (xi_cterm : nat nat) (zeta_cterm : nat nat)
(Eq_cterm : x, xi_cterm x = zeta_cterm x) (s : cterm) {struct s} :
ren_cterm xi_cterm s = ren_cterm zeta_cterm s :=
  match s with
  | cvar s0ap (cvar) (Eq_cterm s0)
  | cSort s0 s1congr_cSort (eq_refl s0) (eq_refl s1)
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      congr_cPi (eq_refl s0) (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm (upRen_cterm_cterm xi_cterm)
           (upRen_cterm_cterm zeta_cterm) (upExtRen_cterm_cterm _ _ Eq_cterm)
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      congr_clam (eq_refl s0) (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm (upRen_cterm_cterm xi_cterm)
           (upRen_cterm_cterm zeta_cterm) (upExtRen_cterm_cterm _ _ Eq_cterm)
  | capp s0 s1
      congr_capp (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | cunitcongr_cunit
  | cttcongr_ctt
  | ctopcongr_ctop
  | cstarcongr_cstar
  | cbotcongr_cbot
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      congr_cbot_elim (eq_refl s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | cty s0congr_cty (eq_refl s0)
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      congr_ctyval (eq_refl s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | ctyerrcongr_ctyerr
  | cEl s0congr_cEl (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | cErr s0congr_cErr (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | squash s0congr_squash (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq s0congr_sq (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
      congr_sq_elim (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | teq s0 s1 s2
      congr_teq (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | trefl s0 s1
      congr_trefl (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
      congr_tJ (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | eboolcongr_ebool
  | etruecongr_etrue
  | efalsecongr_efalse
  | bool_errcongr_bool_err
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      congr_eif (eq_refl s0) (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | pboolcongr_pbool
  | ptruecongr_ptrue
  | pfalsecongr_pfalse
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_pif (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | enatcongr_enat
  | ezerocongr_ezero
  | esucc s0congr_esucc (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_enat_elim (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pnatcongr_pnat
  | pzerocongr_pzero
  | psucc s0congr_psucc (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
      congr_pnat_elim (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      congr_pnat_elimP (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | evec s0congr_evec (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evnil s0congr_evnil (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evcons s0 s1
      congr_evcons (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_evec_elim (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_pvec (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvnil s0congr_pvnil (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
      congr_pvcons (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      congr_pvec_elim (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      congr_pvec_elimG (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
      congr_pvec_elimP (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (extRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm Eq_cterm s9)

Lemma upExt_cterm_cterm (sigma : nat cterm) (tau : nat cterm)
  (Eq : x, sigma x = tau x) :
   x, up_cterm_cterm sigma x = up_cterm_cterm tau x.
exact (fun n
       match n with
       | S n'ap (ren_cterm shift) (Eq n')
       | Oeq_refl

Fixpoint ext_cterm (sigma_cterm : nat cterm) (tau_cterm : nat cterm)
(Eq_cterm : x, sigma_cterm x = tau_cterm x) (s : cterm) {struct s} :
subst_cterm sigma_cterm s = subst_cterm tau_cterm s :=
  match s with
  | cvar s0Eq_cterm s0
  | cSort s0 s1congr_cSort (eq_refl s0) (eq_refl s1)
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      congr_cPi (eq_refl s0) (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm (up_cterm_cterm sigma_cterm) (up_cterm_cterm tau_cterm)
           (upExt_cterm_cterm _ _ Eq_cterm) s2)
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      congr_clam (eq_refl s0) (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm (up_cterm_cterm sigma_cterm) (up_cterm_cterm tau_cterm)
           (upExt_cterm_cterm _ _ Eq_cterm) s2)
  | capp s0 s1
      congr_capp (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | cunitcongr_cunit
  | cttcongr_ctt
  | ctopcongr_ctop
  | cstarcongr_cstar
  | cbotcongr_cbot
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      congr_cbot_elim (eq_refl s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | cty s0congr_cty (eq_refl s0)
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      congr_ctyval (eq_refl s0) (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | ctyerrcongr_ctyerr
  | cEl s0congr_cEl (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | cErr s0congr_cErr (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | squash s0congr_squash (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq s0congr_sq (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
      congr_sq_elim (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | teq s0 s1 s2
      congr_teq (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | trefl s0 s1
      congr_trefl (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
      congr_tJ (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | eboolcongr_ebool
  | etruecongr_etrue
  | efalsecongr_efalse
  | bool_errcongr_bool_err
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      congr_eif (eq_refl s0) (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | pboolcongr_pbool
  | ptruecongr_ptrue
  | pfalsecongr_pfalse
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_pif (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | enatcongr_enat
  | ezerocongr_ezero
  | esucc s0congr_esucc (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_enat_elim (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pnatcongr_pnat
  | pzerocongr_pzero
  | psucc s0congr_psucc (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
      congr_pnat_elim (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      congr_pnat_elimP (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | evec s0congr_evec (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evnil s0congr_evnil (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evcons s0 s1
      congr_evcons (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_evec_elim (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_pvec (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvnil s0congr_pvnil (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
      congr_pvcons (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      congr_pvec_elim (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      congr_pvec_elimG (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
      congr_pvec_elimP (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (ext_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm Eq_cterm s9)

Lemma up_ren_ren_cterm_cterm (xi : nat nat) (zeta : nat nat)
  (rho : nat nat) (Eq : x, funcomp zeta xi x = rho x) :
  funcomp (upRen_cterm_cterm zeta) (upRen_cterm_cterm xi) x =
  upRen_cterm_cterm rho x.
exact (up_ren_ren xi zeta rho Eq).

Fixpoint compRenRen_cterm (xi_cterm : nat nat) (zeta_cterm : nat nat)
(rho_cterm : nat nat)
(Eq_cterm : x, funcomp zeta_cterm xi_cterm x = rho_cterm x)
(s : cterm) {struct s} :
ren_cterm zeta_cterm (ren_cterm xi_cterm s) = ren_cterm rho_cterm s :=
  match s with
  | cvar s0ap (cvar) (Eq_cterm s0)
  | cSort s0 s1congr_cSort (eq_refl s0) (eq_refl s1)
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      congr_cPi (eq_refl s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm (upRen_cterm_cterm xi_cterm)
           (upRen_cterm_cterm zeta_cterm) (upRen_cterm_cterm rho_cterm)
           (up_ren_ren _ _ _ Eq_cterm) s2)
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      congr_clam (eq_refl s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm (upRen_cterm_cterm xi_cterm)
           (upRen_cterm_cterm zeta_cterm) (upRen_cterm_cterm rho_cterm)
           (up_ren_ren _ _ _ Eq_cterm) s2)
  | capp s0 s1
      congr_capp (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | cunitcongr_cunit
  | cttcongr_ctt
  | ctopcongr_ctop
  | cstarcongr_cstar
  | cbotcongr_cbot
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      congr_cbot_elim (eq_refl s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | cty s0congr_cty (eq_refl s0)
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      congr_ctyval (eq_refl s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | ctyerrcongr_ctyerr
  | cEl s0
      congr_cEl (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | cErr s0
      congr_cErr (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | squash s0
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq s0
      congr_sq (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | teq s0 s1 s2
      congr_teq (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | trefl s0 s1
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
      congr_tJ (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | eboolcongr_ebool
  | etruecongr_etrue
  | efalsecongr_efalse
  | bool_errcongr_bool_err
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      congr_eif (eq_refl s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | pboolcongr_pbool
  | ptruecongr_ptrue
  | pfalsecongr_pfalse
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_pif (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | enatcongr_enat
  | ezerocongr_ezero
  | esucc s0
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pnatcongr_pnat
  | pzerocongr_pzero
  | psucc s0
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | evec s0
      congr_evec (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evnil s0
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evcons s0 s1
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_pvec (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvnil s0
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm rho_cterm Eq_cterm s9)

Lemma up_ren_subst_cterm_cterm (xi : nat nat) (tau : nat cterm)
  (theta : nat cterm) (Eq : x, funcomp tau xi x = theta x) :
  funcomp (up_cterm_cterm tau) (upRen_cterm_cterm xi) x =
  up_cterm_cterm theta x.
exact (fun n
       match n with
       | S n'ap (ren_cterm shift) (Eq n')
       | Oeq_refl

Fixpoint compRenSubst_cterm (xi_cterm : nat nat)
(tau_cterm : nat cterm) (theta_cterm : nat cterm)
(Eq_cterm : x, funcomp tau_cterm xi_cterm x = theta_cterm x)
(s : cterm) {struct s} :
subst_cterm tau_cterm (ren_cterm xi_cterm s) = subst_cterm theta_cterm s :=
  match s with
  | cvar s0Eq_cterm s0
  | cSort s0 s1congr_cSort (eq_refl s0) (eq_refl s1)
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      congr_cPi (eq_refl s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm (upRen_cterm_cterm xi_cterm)
           (up_cterm_cterm tau_cterm) (up_cterm_cterm theta_cterm)
           (up_ren_subst_cterm_cterm _ _ _ Eq_cterm) s2)
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      congr_clam (eq_refl s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm (upRen_cterm_cterm xi_cterm)
           (up_cterm_cterm tau_cterm) (up_cterm_cterm theta_cterm)
           (up_ren_subst_cterm_cterm _ _ _ Eq_cterm) s2)
  | capp s0 s1
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | cunitcongr_cunit
  | cttcongr_ctt
  | ctopcongr_ctop
  | cstarcongr_cstar
  | cbotcongr_cbot
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      congr_cbot_elim (eq_refl s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | cty s0congr_cty (eq_refl s0)
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      congr_ctyval (eq_refl s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | ctyerrcongr_ctyerr
  | cEl s0
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | cErr s0
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | squash s0
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq s0
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | teq s0 s1 s2
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | trefl s0 s1
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | eboolcongr_ebool
  | etruecongr_etrue
  | efalsecongr_efalse
  | bool_errcongr_bool_err
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      congr_eif (eq_refl s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | pboolcongr_pbool
  | ptruecongr_ptrue
  | pfalsecongr_pfalse
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | enatcongr_enat
  | ezerocongr_ezero
  | esucc s0
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pnatcongr_pnat
  | pzerocongr_pzero
  | psucc s0
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | evec s0
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evnil s0
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evcons s0 s1
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvnil s0
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s9)

Lemma up_subst_ren_cterm_cterm (sigma : nat cterm)
  (zeta_cterm : nat nat) (theta : nat cterm)
  (Eq : x, funcomp (ren_cterm zeta_cterm) sigma x = theta x) :
  funcomp (ren_cterm (upRen_cterm_cterm zeta_cterm)) (up_cterm_cterm sigma) x =
  up_cterm_cterm theta x.
exact (fun n
       match n with
       | S n'
             (compRenRen_cterm shift (upRen_cterm_cterm zeta_cterm)
                (funcomp shift zeta_cterm) (fun xeq_refl) (sigma n'))
                   (compRenRen_cterm zeta_cterm shift
                      (funcomp shift zeta_cterm) (fun xeq_refl)
                      (sigma n'))) (ap (ren_cterm shift) (Eq n')))
       | Oeq_refl

Fixpoint compSubstRen_cterm (sigma_cterm : nat cterm)
(zeta_cterm : nat nat) (theta_cterm : nat cterm)
(Eq_cterm : x,
            funcomp (ren_cterm zeta_cterm) sigma_cterm x = theta_cterm x)
(s : cterm) {struct s} :
ren_cterm zeta_cterm (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s) = subst_cterm theta_cterm s
  match s with
  | cvar s0Eq_cterm s0
  | cSort s0 s1congr_cSort (eq_refl s0) (eq_refl s1)
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      congr_cPi (eq_refl s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm (up_cterm_cterm sigma_cterm)
           (upRen_cterm_cterm zeta_cterm) (up_cterm_cterm theta_cterm)
           (up_subst_ren_cterm_cterm _ _ _ Eq_cterm) s2)
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      congr_clam (eq_refl s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm (up_cterm_cterm sigma_cterm)
           (upRen_cterm_cterm zeta_cterm) (up_cterm_cterm theta_cterm)
           (up_subst_ren_cterm_cterm _ _ _ Eq_cterm) s2)
  | capp s0 s1
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | cunitcongr_cunit
  | cttcongr_ctt
  | ctopcongr_ctop
  | cstarcongr_cstar
  | cbotcongr_cbot
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      congr_cbot_elim (eq_refl s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | cty s0congr_cty (eq_refl s0)
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      congr_ctyval (eq_refl s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | ctyerrcongr_ctyerr
  | cEl s0
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | cErr s0
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | squash s0
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq s0
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | teq s0 s1 s2
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | trefl s0 s1
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | eboolcongr_ebool
  | etruecongr_etrue
  | efalsecongr_efalse
  | bool_errcongr_bool_err
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      congr_eif (eq_refl s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | pboolcongr_pbool
  | ptruecongr_ptrue
  | pfalsecongr_pfalse
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | enatcongr_enat
  | ezerocongr_ezero
  | esucc s0
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pnatcongr_pnat
  | pzerocongr_pzero
  | psucc s0
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | evec s0
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evnil s0
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evcons s0 s1
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvnil s0
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s9)

Lemma up_subst_subst_cterm_cterm (sigma : nat cterm)
  (tau_cterm : nat cterm) (theta : nat cterm)
  (Eq : x, funcomp (subst_cterm tau_cterm) sigma x = theta x) :
  funcomp (subst_cterm (up_cterm_cterm tau_cterm)) (up_cterm_cterm sigma) x =
  up_cterm_cterm theta x.
exact (fun n
       match n with
       | S n'
             (compRenSubst_cterm shift (up_cterm_cterm tau_cterm)
                (funcomp (up_cterm_cterm tau_cterm) shift) (fun xeq_refl)
                (sigma n'))
                   (compSubstRen_cterm tau_cterm shift
                      (funcomp (ren_cterm shift) tau_cterm)
                      (fun xeq_refl) (sigma n')))
                (ap (ren_cterm shift) (Eq n')))
       | Oeq_refl

Fixpoint compSubstSubst_cterm (sigma_cterm : nat cterm)
(tau_cterm : nat cterm) (theta_cterm : nat cterm)
(Eq_cterm : x,
            funcomp (subst_cterm tau_cterm) sigma_cterm x = theta_cterm x)
(s : cterm) {struct s} :
subst_cterm tau_cterm (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s) = subst_cterm theta_cterm s
  match s with
  | cvar s0Eq_cterm s0
  | cSort s0 s1congr_cSort (eq_refl s0) (eq_refl s1)
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      congr_cPi (eq_refl s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm (up_cterm_cterm sigma_cterm)
           (up_cterm_cterm tau_cterm) (up_cterm_cterm theta_cterm)
           (up_subst_subst_cterm_cterm _ _ _ Eq_cterm) s2)
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      congr_clam (eq_refl s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm (up_cterm_cterm sigma_cterm)
           (up_cterm_cterm tau_cterm) (up_cterm_cterm theta_cterm)
           (up_subst_subst_cterm_cterm _ _ _ Eq_cterm) s2)
  | capp s0 s1
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | cunitcongr_cunit
  | cttcongr_ctt
  | ctopcongr_ctop
  | cstarcongr_cstar
  | cbotcongr_cbot
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      congr_cbot_elim (eq_refl s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | cty s0congr_cty (eq_refl s0)
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      congr_ctyval (eq_refl s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | ctyerrcongr_ctyerr
  | cEl s0
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | cErr s0
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | squash s0
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq s0
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | teq s0 s1 s2
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | trefl s0 s1
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | eboolcongr_ebool
  | etruecongr_etrue
  | efalsecongr_efalse
  | bool_errcongr_bool_err
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      congr_eif (eq_refl s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | pboolcongr_pbool
  | ptruecongr_ptrue
  | pfalsecongr_pfalse
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | enatcongr_enat
  | ezerocongr_ezero
  | esucc s0
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pnatcongr_pnat
  | pzerocongr_pzero
  | psucc s0
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | evec s0
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evnil s0
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evcons s0 s1
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvnil s0
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm theta_cterm Eq_cterm s9)

Lemma renRen_cterm (xi_cterm : nat nat) (zeta_cterm : nat nat)
  (s : cterm) :
  ren_cterm zeta_cterm (ren_cterm xi_cterm s) =
  ren_cterm (funcomp zeta_cterm xi_cterm) s.
exact (compRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm _ (fun neq_refl) s).

Lemma renRen'_cterm_pointwise (xi_cterm : nat nat)
  (zeta_cterm : nat nat) :
  pointwise_relation _ eq
    (funcomp (ren_cterm zeta_cterm) (ren_cterm xi_cterm))
    (ren_cterm (funcomp zeta_cterm xi_cterm)).
exact (fun scompRenRen_cterm xi_cterm zeta_cterm _ (fun neq_refl) s).

Lemma renSubst_cterm (xi_cterm : nat nat) (tau_cterm : nat cterm)
  (s : cterm) :
  subst_cterm tau_cterm (ren_cterm xi_cterm s) =
  subst_cterm (funcomp tau_cterm xi_cterm) s.
exact (compRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm _ (fun neq_refl) s).

Lemma renSubst_cterm_pointwise (xi_cterm : nat nat)
  (tau_cterm : nat cterm) :
  pointwise_relation _ eq
    (funcomp (subst_cterm tau_cterm) (ren_cterm xi_cterm))
    (subst_cterm (funcomp tau_cterm xi_cterm)).
exact (fun scompRenSubst_cterm xi_cterm tau_cterm _ (fun neq_refl) s).

Lemma substRen_cterm (sigma_cterm : nat cterm) (zeta_cterm : nat nat)
  (s : cterm) :
  ren_cterm zeta_cterm (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s) =
  subst_cterm (funcomp (ren_cterm zeta_cterm) sigma_cterm) s.
exact (compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm _ (fun neq_refl) s).

Lemma substRen_cterm_pointwise (sigma_cterm : nat cterm)
  (zeta_cterm : nat nat) :
  pointwise_relation _ eq
    (funcomp (ren_cterm zeta_cterm) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm))
    (subst_cterm (funcomp (ren_cterm zeta_cterm) sigma_cterm)).
exact (fun s
       compSubstRen_cterm sigma_cterm zeta_cterm _ (fun neq_refl) s).

Lemma substSubst_cterm (sigma_cterm : nat cterm)
  (tau_cterm : nat cterm) (s : cterm) :
  subst_cterm tau_cterm (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s) =
  subst_cterm (funcomp (subst_cterm tau_cterm) sigma_cterm) s.
exact (compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm _ (fun neq_refl) s).

Lemma substSubst_cterm_pointwise (sigma_cterm : nat cterm)
  (tau_cterm : nat cterm) :
  pointwise_relation _ eq
    (funcomp (subst_cterm tau_cterm) (subst_cterm sigma_cterm))
    (subst_cterm (funcomp (subst_cterm tau_cterm) sigma_cterm)).
exact (fun s
       compSubstSubst_cterm sigma_cterm tau_cterm _ (fun neq_refl) s).

Lemma rinstInst_up_cterm_cterm (xi : nat nat) (sigma : nat cterm)
  (Eq : x, funcomp (cvar) xi x = sigma x) :
   x, funcomp (cvar) (upRen_cterm_cterm xi) x = up_cterm_cterm sigma x.
exact (fun n
       match n with
       | S n'ap (ren_cterm shift) (Eq n')
       | Oeq_refl

Fixpoint rinst_inst_cterm (xi_cterm : nat nat)
(sigma_cterm : nat cterm)
(Eq_cterm : x, funcomp (cvar) xi_cterm x = sigma_cterm x) (s : cterm)
{struct s} : ren_cterm xi_cterm s = subst_cterm sigma_cterm s :=
  match s with
  | cvar s0Eq_cterm s0
  | cSort s0 s1congr_cSort (eq_refl s0) (eq_refl s1)
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      congr_cPi (eq_refl s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm (upRen_cterm_cterm xi_cterm)
           (up_cterm_cterm sigma_cterm)
           (rinstInst_up_cterm_cterm _ _ Eq_cterm) s2)
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      congr_clam (eq_refl s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm (upRen_cterm_cterm xi_cterm)
           (up_cterm_cterm sigma_cterm)
           (rinstInst_up_cterm_cterm _ _ Eq_cterm) s2)
  | capp s0 s1
      congr_capp (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | cunitcongr_cunit
  | cttcongr_ctt
  | ctopcongr_ctop
  | cstarcongr_cstar
  | cbotcongr_cbot
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      congr_cbot_elim (eq_refl s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | cty s0congr_cty (eq_refl s0)
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      congr_ctyval (eq_refl s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | ctyerrcongr_ctyerr
  | cEl s0congr_cEl (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | cErr s0congr_cErr (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | squash s0
      congr_squash (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq s0congr_sq (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
      congr_sq_elim (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | teq s0 s1 s2
      congr_teq (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | trefl s0 s1
      congr_trefl (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
      congr_tJ (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | eboolcongr_ebool
  | etruecongr_etrue
  | efalsecongr_efalse
  | bool_errcongr_bool_err
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      congr_eif (eq_refl s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | pboolcongr_pbool
  | ptruecongr_ptrue
  | pfalsecongr_pfalse
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_pif (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | enatcongr_enat
  | ezerocongr_ezero
  | esucc s0
      congr_esucc (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_enat_elim (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pnatcongr_pnat
  | pzerocongr_pzero
  | psucc s0
      congr_psucc (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
      congr_pnat_elim (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      congr_pnat_elimP (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
  | evec s0congr_evec (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evnil s0
      congr_evnil (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | evcons s0 s1
      congr_evcons (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_evec_elim (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
      congr_pvec (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
  | pvnil s0
      congr_pvnil (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
      congr_pvcons (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      congr_pvec_elim (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      congr_pvec_elimG (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s9)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s10)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
      congr_pvec_elimP (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s0)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s1)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s2)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s3)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s4)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s5)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s6)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s7)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s8)
        (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm sigma_cterm Eq_cterm s9)

Lemma rinstInst'_cterm (xi_cterm : nat nat) (s : cterm) :
  ren_cterm xi_cterm s = subst_cterm (funcomp (cvar) xi_cterm) s.
exact (rinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm _ (fun neq_refl) s).

Lemma rinstInst'_cterm_pointwise (xi_cterm : nat nat) :
  pointwise_relation _ eq (ren_cterm xi_cterm)
    (subst_cterm (funcomp (cvar) xi_cterm)).
exact (fun srinst_inst_cterm xi_cterm _ (fun neq_refl) s).

Lemma instId'_cterm (s : cterm) : subst_cterm (cvar) s = s.
exact (idSubst_cterm (cvar) (fun neq_refl) s).

Lemma instId'_cterm_pointwise :
  pointwise_relation _ eq (subst_cterm (cvar)) id.
exact (fun sidSubst_cterm (cvar) (fun neq_refl) s).

Lemma rinstId'_cterm (s : cterm) : ren_cterm id s = s.
exact (eq_ind_r (fun tt = s) (instId'_cterm s) (rinstInst'_cterm id s)).

Lemma rinstId'_cterm_pointwise : pointwise_relation _ eq (@ren_cterm id) id.
exact (fun s
       eq_ind_r (fun tt = s) (instId'_cterm s) (rinstInst'_cterm id s)).

Lemma varL'_cterm (sigma_cterm : nat cterm) (x : nat) :
  subst_cterm sigma_cterm (cvar x) = sigma_cterm x.
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma varL'_cterm_pointwise (sigma_cterm : nat cterm) :
  pointwise_relation _ eq (funcomp (subst_cterm sigma_cterm) (cvar))
exact (fun xeq_refl).

Lemma varLRen'_cterm (xi_cterm : nat nat) (x : nat) :
  ren_cterm xi_cterm (cvar x) = cvar (xi_cterm x).
exact (eq_refl).

Lemma varLRen'_cterm_pointwise (xi_cterm : nat nat) :
  pointwise_relation _ eq (funcomp (ren_cterm xi_cterm) (cvar))
    (funcomp (cvar) xi_cterm).
exact (fun xeq_refl).

Class Up_cterm X Y :=
    up_cterm : X Y.

#[global]Instance Subst_cterm : (Subst1 _ _ _) := @subst_cterm.

Instance Up_cterm_cterm : (Up_cterm _ _) := @up_cterm_cterm.

#[global]Instance Ren_cterm : (Ren1 _ _ _) := @ren_cterm.

Instance VarInstance_cterm : (Var _ _) := @cvar.

Notation "[ sigma_cterm ]" := (subst_cterm sigma_cterm)
( at level 1, left associativity, only printing) : fscope.

Notation "s [ sigma_cterm ]" := (subst_cterm sigma_cterm s)
( at level 7, left associativity, only printing) : subst_scope.

Notation "↑__cterm" := up_cterm (only printing) : subst_scope.

Notation "↑__cterm" := up_cterm_cterm (only printing) : subst_scope.

Notation "⟨ xi_cterm ⟩" := (ren_cterm xi_cterm)
( at level 1, left associativity, only printing) : fscope.

Notation "s ⟨ xi_cterm ⟩" := (ren_cterm xi_cterm s)
( at level 7, left associativity, only printing) : subst_scope.

Notation "'var'" := cvar ( at level 1, only printing) : subst_scope.

Notation "x '__cterm'" := (@ids _ _ VarInstance_cterm x)
( at level 5, format "x __cterm", only printing) : subst_scope.

Notation "x '__cterm'" := (cvar x) ( at level 5, format "x __cterm") :

Instance subst_cterm_morphism :
 (Proper (respectful (pointwise_relation _ eq) (respectful eq eq))
exact (fun f_cterm g_cterm Eq_cterm s t Eq_st
       eq_ind s (fun t'subst_cterm f_cterm s = subst_cterm g_cterm t')
         (ext_cterm f_cterm g_cterm Eq_cterm s) t Eq_st).

Instance subst_cterm_morphism2 :
 (Proper (respectful (pointwise_relation _ eq) (pointwise_relation _ eq))
exact (fun f_cterm g_cterm Eq_cterm sext_cterm f_cterm g_cterm Eq_cterm s).

Instance ren_cterm_morphism :
 (Proper (respectful (pointwise_relation _ eq) (respectful eq eq))
exact (fun f_cterm g_cterm Eq_cterm s t Eq_st
       eq_ind s (fun t'ren_cterm f_cterm s = ren_cterm g_cterm t')
         (extRen_cterm f_cterm g_cterm Eq_cterm s) t Eq_st).

Instance ren_cterm_morphism2 :
 (Proper (respectful (pointwise_relation _ eq) (pointwise_relation _ eq))
exact (fun f_cterm g_cterm Eq_cterm s
       extRen_cterm f_cterm g_cterm Eq_cterm s).

Ltac auto_unfold := repeat
                     unfold VarInstance_cterm, Var, ids, Ren_cterm, Ren1,
                      ren1, Up_cterm_cterm, Up_cterm, up_cterm, Subst_cterm,
                      Subst1, subst1.

Tactic Notation "auto_unfold" "in" "*" := repeat
                                           unfold VarInstance_cterm, Var,
                                            ids, Ren_cterm, Ren1, ren1,
                                            Up_cterm_cterm, Up_cterm,
                                            up_cterm, Subst_cterm, Subst1,
                                            subst1 in ×.

Ltac asimpl' := repeat (first
                 [ progress setoid_rewrite substSubst_cterm_pointwise
                 | progress setoid_rewrite substSubst_cterm
                 | progress setoid_rewrite substRen_cterm_pointwise
                 | progress setoid_rewrite substRen_cterm
                 | progress setoid_rewrite renSubst_cterm_pointwise
                 | progress setoid_rewrite renSubst_cterm
                 | progress setoid_rewrite renRen'_cterm_pointwise
                 | progress setoid_rewrite renRen_cterm
                 | progress setoid_rewrite varLRen'_cterm_pointwise
                 | progress setoid_rewrite varLRen'_cterm
                 | progress setoid_rewrite varL'_cterm_pointwise
                 | progress setoid_rewrite varL'_cterm
                 | progress setoid_rewrite rinstId'_cterm_pointwise
                 | progress setoid_rewrite rinstId'_cterm
                 | progress setoid_rewrite instId'_cterm_pointwise
                 | progress setoid_rewrite instId'_cterm
                 | progress unfold up_cterm_cterm, upRen_cterm_cterm, up_ren
                 | progress cbn[subst_cterm ren_cterm]
                 | progress fsimpl ]).

Ltac asimpl := check_no_evars;
                 unfold VarInstance_cterm, Var, ids, Ren_cterm, Ren1, ren1,
                  Up_cterm_cterm, Up_cterm, up_cterm, Subst_cterm, Subst1,
                  subst1 in *; asimpl'; minimize.

Tactic Notation "asimpl" "in" hyp(J) := revert J; asimpl; intros J.

Tactic Notation "auto_case" := auto_case ltac:(asimpl; cbn; eauto).

Ltac substify := auto_unfold; try setoid_rewrite rinstInst'_cterm_pointwise;
                  try setoid_rewrite rinstInst'_cterm.

Ltac renamify := auto_unfold;
                  try setoid_rewrite_left rinstInst'_cterm_pointwise;
                  try setoid_rewrite_left rinstInst'_cterm.

End Core.

Module Allfv.


Lemma upAllfv_cterm_cterm (p : nat Prop) : nat Prop.
exact (up_allfv p).

Fixpoint allfv_cterm (p_cterm : nat Prop) (s : cterm) {struct s} : Prop :=
  match s with
  | cvar s0p_cterm s0
  | cSort s0 s1and True (and True True)
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      and True
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1)
           (and (allfv_cterm (upAllfv_cterm_cterm p_cterm) s2) True))
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      and True
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1)
           (and (allfv_cterm (upAllfv_cterm_cterm p_cterm) s2) True))
  | capp s0 s1
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0) (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1) True)
  | cunitTrue
  | cttTrue
  | ctopTrue
  | cstarTrue
  | cbotTrue
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      and True
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1) (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2) True))
  | cty s0and True True
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      and True
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1) (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2) True))
  | ctyerrTrue
  | cEl s0and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0) True
  | cErr s0and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0) True
  | squash s0and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0) True
  | sq s0and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0) True
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0)
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1) (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2) True))
  | teq s0 s1 s2
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0)
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1) (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2) True))
  | trefl s0 s1
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0) (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1) True)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0)
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1) (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2) True))
  | eboolTrue
  | etrueTrue
  | efalseTrue
  | bool_errTrue
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      and True
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1)
           (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2)
              (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s3)
                 (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s4)
                    (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s5) True)))))
  | pboolTrue
  | ptrueTrue
  | pfalseTrue
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0)
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1)
           (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2) (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s3) True)))
  | enatTrue
  | ezeroTrue
  | esucc s0and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0) True
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0)
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1)
           (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2) (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s3) True)))
  | pnatTrue
  | pzeroTrue
  | psucc s0and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0) True
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0)
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1)
           (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2)
              (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s3)
                 (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s4)
                    (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s5)
                       (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s6)
                          (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s7) True)))))))
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0)
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1)
           (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2)
              (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s3)
                 (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s4)
                    (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s5) True)))))
  | evec s0and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0) True
  | evnil s0and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0) True
  | evcons s0 s1
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0) (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1) True)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0)
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1)
           (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2) (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s3) True)))
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0)
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1)
           (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2) (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s3) True)))
  | pvnil s0and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0) True
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0)
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1) (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2) True))
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0)
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1)
           (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2)
              (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s3)
                 (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s4)
                    (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s5)
                       (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s6)
                          (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s7)
                             (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s8)
                                (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s9)
                                   (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s10)
                                      (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s11) True)))))))))))
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0)
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1)
           (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2)
              (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s3)
                 (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s4)
                    (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s5)
                       (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s6)
                          (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s7)
                             (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s8)
                                (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s9)
                                   (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s10)
                                      (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s11) True)))))))))))
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
      and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s0)
        (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s1)
           (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s2)
              (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s3)
                 (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s4)
                    (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s5)
                       (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s6)
                          (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s7)
                             (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s8)
                                (and (allfv_cterm p_cterm s9) True)))))))))

Lemma upAllfvTriv_cterm_cterm {p : nat Prop} (H : x, p x) :
   x, upAllfv_cterm_cterm p x.
exact (fun xmatch x with
                | S n'H n'
                | OI

Fixpoint allfvTriv_cterm (p_cterm : nat Prop)
(H_cterm : x, p_cterm x) (s : cterm) {struct s} :
allfv_cterm p_cterm s :=
  match s with
  | cvar s0H_cterm s0
  | cSort s0 s1conj I (conj I I)
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      conj I
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
              (allfvTriv_cterm (upAllfv_cterm_cterm p_cterm)
                 (upAllfvTriv_cterm_cterm H_cterm) s2) I))
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      conj I
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
              (allfvTriv_cterm (upAllfv_cterm_cterm p_cterm)
                 (upAllfvTriv_cterm_cterm H_cterm) s2) I))
  | capp s0 s1
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1) I)
  | cunitI
  | cttI
  | ctopI
  | cstarI
  | cbotI
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      conj I
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2) I))
  | cty s0conj I I
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      conj I
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2) I))
  | ctyerrI
  | cEl s0conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0) I
  | cErr s0conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0) I
  | squash s0conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0) I
  | sq s0conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0) I
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2) I))
  | teq s0 s1 s2
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2) I))
  | trefl s0 s1
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1) I)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2) I))
  | eboolI
  | etrueI
  | efalseI
  | bool_errI
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      conj I
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2)
              (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s3)
                 (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s4)
                    (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s5) I)))))
  | pboolI
  | ptrueI
  | pfalseI
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2)
              (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s3) I)))
  | enatI
  | ezeroI
  | esucc s0conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0) I
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2)
              (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s3) I)))
  | pnatI
  | pzeroI
  | psucc s0conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0) I
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2)
              (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s3)
                 (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s4)
                    (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s5)
                       (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s6)
                          (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s7) I)))))))
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2)
              (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s3)
                 (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s4)
                    (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s5) I)))))
  | evec s0conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0) I
  | evnil s0conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0) I
  | evcons s0 s1
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1) I)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2)
              (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s3) I)))
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2)
              (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s3) I)))
  | pvnil s0conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0) I
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2) I))
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2)
              (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s3)
                 (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s4)
                    (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s5)
                       (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s6)
                          (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s7)
                             (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s8)
                                (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s9)
                                      (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s10)
                                         (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2)
              (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s3)
                 (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s4)
                    (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s5)
                       (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s6)
                          (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s7)
                             (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s8)
                                (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s9)
                                      (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s10)
                                         (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s11)
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
      conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s0)
        (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s1)
           (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s2)
              (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s3)
                 (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s4)
                    (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s5)
                       (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s6)
                          (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s7)
                             (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s8)
                                (conj (allfvTriv_cterm p_cterm H_cterm s9) I)))))))))

Lemma upAllfvImpl_cterm_cterm {p : nat Prop} {q : nat Prop}
  (H : x, p x q x) :
   x, upAllfv_cterm_cterm p x upAllfv_cterm_cterm q x.
exact (fun xmatch x with
                | S n'H n'
                | Ofun HpHp

Fixpoint allfvImpl_cterm (p_cterm : nat Prop) (q_cterm : nat Prop)
(H_cterm : x, p_cterm x q_cterm x) (s : cterm) {struct s} :
allfv_cterm p_cterm s allfv_cterm q_cterm s :=
  match s with
  | cvar s0fun HPH_cterm s0 HP
  | cSort s0 s1fun HPconj I (conj I I)
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      fun HP
      conj I
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm (upAllfv_cterm_cterm p_cterm)
                 (upAllfv_cterm_cterm q_cterm)
                 (upAllfvImpl_cterm_cterm H_cterm) s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 end) I))
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      fun HP
      conj I
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm (upAllfv_cterm_cterm p_cterm)
                 (upAllfv_cterm_cterm q_cterm)
                 (upAllfvImpl_cterm_cterm H_cterm) s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 end) I))
  | capp s0 s1
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              end) I)
  | cunitfun HPI
  | cttfun HPI
  | ctopfun HPI
  | cstarfun HPI
  | cbotfun HPI
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      fun HP
      conj I
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 end) I))
  | cty s0fun HPconj I I
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      fun HP
      conj I
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 end) I))
  | ctyerrfun HPI
  | cEl s0
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           end) I
  | cErr s0
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           end) I
  | squash s0
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           end) I
  | sq s0
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           end) I
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 end) I))
  | teq s0 s1 s2
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 end) I))
  | trefl s0 s1
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              end) I)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 end) I))
  | eboolfun HPI
  | etruefun HPI
  | efalsefun HPI
  | bool_errfun HPI
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      fun HP
      conj I
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s3
                    match HP with
                    | conj _ HP
                        match HP with
                        | conj _ HP
                            match HP with
                            | conj _ HP
                                match HP with
                                | conj HP _HP
                    (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s4
                       match HP with
                       | conj _ HP
                           match HP with
                           | conj _ HP
                               match HP with
                               | conj _ HP
                                   match HP with
                                   | conj _ HP
                                       match HP with
                                       | conj HP _HP
                       (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s5
                          match HP with
                          | conj _ HP
                              match HP with
                              | conj _ HP
                                  match HP with
                                  | conj _ HP
                                      match HP with
                                      | conj _ HP
                                          match HP with
                                          | conj _ HP
                                              match HP with
                                              | conj HP _HP
                          end) I)))))
  | pboolfun HPI
  | ptruefun HPI
  | pfalsefun HPI
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s3
                    match HP with
                    | conj _ HP
                        match HP with
                        | conj _ HP
                            match HP with
                            | conj _ HP
                                match HP with
                                | conj HP _HP
                    end) I)))
  | enatfun HPI
  | ezerofun HPI
  | esucc s0
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           end) I
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s3
                    match HP with
                    | conj _ HP
                        match HP with
                        | conj _ HP
                            match HP with
                            | conj _ HP
                                match HP with
                                | conj HP _HP
                    end) I)))
  | pnatfun HPI
  | pzerofun HPI
  | psucc s0
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           end) I
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s3
                    match HP with
                    | conj _ HP
                        match HP with
                        | conj _ HP
                            match HP with
                            | conj _ HP
                                match HP with
                                | conj HP _HP
                    (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s4
                       match HP with
                       | conj _ HP
                           match HP with
                           | conj _ HP
                               match HP with
                               | conj _ HP
                                   match HP with
                                   | conj _ HP
                                       match HP with
                                       | conj HP _HP
                       (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s5
                          match HP with
                          | conj _ HP
                              match HP with
                              | conj _ HP
                                  match HP with
                                  | conj _ HP
                                      match HP with
                                      | conj _ HP
                                          match HP with
                                          | conj _ HP
                                              match HP with
                                              | conj HP _HP
                          (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s6
                             match HP with
                             | conj _ HP
                                 match HP with
                                 | conj _ HP
                                     match HP with
                                     | conj _ HP
                                         match HP with
                                         | conj _ HP
                                             match HP with
                                             | conj _ HP
                                                 match HP with
                                                 | conj _ HP
                                                     match HP with
                                                     | conj HP _HP
                             (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s7
                                match HP with
                                | conj _ HP
                                    match HP with
                                    | conj _ HP
                                        match HP with
                                        | conj _ HP
                                            match HP with
                                            | conj _ HP
                                                match HP with
                                                | conj _ HP
                                                    match HP with
                                                    | conj _ HP
                                                        match HP with
                                                        | conj _ HP
                                                            match HP with
                                                            | conj HP _HP
                                end) I)))))))
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s3
                    match HP with
                    | conj _ HP
                        match HP with
                        | conj _ HP
                            match HP with
                            | conj _ HP
                                match HP with
                                | conj HP _HP
                    (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s4
                       match HP with
                       | conj _ HP
                           match HP with
                           | conj _ HP
                               match HP with
                               | conj _ HP
                                   match HP with
                                   | conj _ HP
                                       match HP with
                                       | conj HP _HP
                       (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s5
                          match HP with
                          | conj _ HP
                              match HP with
                              | conj _ HP
                                  match HP with
                                  | conj _ HP
                                      match HP with
                                      | conj _ HP
                                          match HP with
                                          | conj _ HP
                                              match HP with
                                              | conj HP _HP
                          end) I)))))
  | evec s0
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           end) I
  | evnil s0
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           end) I
  | evcons s0 s1
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              end) I)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s3
                    match HP with
                    | conj _ HP
                        match HP with
                        | conj _ HP
                            match HP with
                            | conj _ HP
                                match HP with
                                | conj HP _HP
                    end) I)))
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s3
                    match HP with
                    | conj _ HP
                        match HP with
                        | conj _ HP
                            match HP with
                            | conj _ HP
                                match HP with
                                | conj HP _HP
                    end) I)))
  | pvnil s0
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           end) I
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 end) I))
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s3
                    match HP with
                    | conj _ HP
                        match HP with
                        | conj _ HP
                            match HP with
                            | conj _ HP
                                match HP with
                                | conj HP _HP
                    (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s4
                       match HP with
                       | conj _ HP
                           match HP with
                           | conj _ HP
                               match HP with
                               | conj _ HP
                                   match HP with
                                   | conj _ HP
                                       match HP with
                                       | conj HP _HP
                       (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s5
                          match HP with
                          | conj _ HP
                              match HP with
                              | conj _ HP
                                  match HP with
                                  | conj _ HP
                                      match HP with
                                      | conj _ HP
                                          match HP with
                                          | conj _ HP
                                              match HP with
                                              | conj HP _HP
                          (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s6
                             match HP with
                             | conj _ HP
                                 match HP with
                                 | conj _ HP
                                     match HP with
                                     | conj _ HP
                                         match HP with
                                         | conj _ HP
                                             match HP with
                                             | conj _ HP
                                                 match HP with
                                                 | conj _ HP
                                                     match HP with
                                                     | conj HP _HP
                             (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s7
                                match HP with
                                | conj _ HP
                                    match HP with
                                    | conj _ HP
                                        match HP with
                                        | conj _ HP
                                            match HP with
                                            | conj _ HP
                                                match HP with
                                                | conj _ HP
                                                    match HP with
                                                    | conj _ HP
                                                        match HP with
                                                        | conj _ HP
                                                            match HP with
                                                            | conj HP _HP
                                (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s8
                                   match HP with
                                   | conj _ HP
                                       match HP with
                                       | conj _ HP
                                           match HP with
                                           | conj _ HP
                                               match HP with
                                               | conj _ HP
                                                   match HP with
                                                   | conj _ HP
                                                       match HP with
                                                       | conj _ HP
                                                           match HP with
                                                           | conj _ HP
                                                               match HP with
                                                               | conj _ HP
                                                                   | conj HP
                                   (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm
                                      match HP with
                                      | conj _ HP
                                          match HP with
                                          | conj _ HP
                                              match HP with
                                              | conj _ HP
                                                  match HP with
                                                  | conj _ HP
                                                      match HP with
                                                      | conj _ HP
                                                          match HP with
                                                          | conj _ HP
                                                              match HP with
                                                              | conj _ HP
                                                                  | conj _ HP
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj HP
                                      (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm
                                         H_cterm s10
                                         match HP with
                                         | conj _ HP
                                             match HP with
                                             | conj _ HP
                                                 match HP with
                                                 | conj _ HP
                                                     match HP with
                                                     | conj _ HP
                                                         match HP with
                                                         | conj _ HP
                                                             match HP with
                                                             | conj _ HP
                                                                 | conj _ HP
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj HP
                                         (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm
                                            H_cterm s11
                                            match HP with
                                            | conj _ HP
                                                match HP with
                                                | conj _ HP
                                                    match HP with
                                                    | conj _ HP
                                                        match HP with
                                                        | conj _ HP
                                                            match HP with
                                                            | conj _ HP
                                                                match HP with
                                                                | conj _ HP
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj HP
                                            end) I)))))))))))
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s3
                    match HP with
                    | conj _ HP
                        match HP with
                        | conj _ HP
                            match HP with
                            | conj _ HP
                                match HP with
                                | conj HP _HP
                    (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s4
                       match HP with
                       | conj _ HP
                           match HP with
                           | conj _ HP
                               match HP with
                               | conj _ HP
                                   match HP with
                                   | conj _ HP
                                       match HP with
                                       | conj HP _HP
                       (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s5
                          match HP with
                          | conj _ HP
                              match HP with
                              | conj _ HP
                                  match HP with
                                  | conj _ HP
                                      match HP with
                                      | conj _ HP
                                          match HP with
                                          | conj _ HP
                                              match HP with
                                              | conj HP _HP
                          (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s6
                             match HP with
                             | conj _ HP
                                 match HP with
                                 | conj _ HP
                                     match HP with
                                     | conj _ HP
                                         match HP with
                                         | conj _ HP
                                             match HP with
                                             | conj _ HP
                                                 match HP with
                                                 | conj _ HP
                                                     match HP with
                                                     | conj HP _HP
                             (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s7
                                match HP with
                                | conj _ HP
                                    match HP with
                                    | conj _ HP
                                        match HP with
                                        | conj _ HP
                                            match HP with
                                            | conj _ HP
                                                match HP with
                                                | conj _ HP
                                                    match HP with
                                                    | conj _ HP
                                                        match HP with
                                                        | conj _ HP
                                                            match HP with
                                                            | conj HP _HP
                                (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s8
                                   match HP with
                                   | conj _ HP
                                       match HP with
                                       | conj _ HP
                                           match HP with
                                           | conj _ HP
                                               match HP with
                                               | conj _ HP
                                                   match HP with
                                                   | conj _ HP
                                                       match HP with
                                                       | conj _ HP
                                                           match HP with
                                                           | conj _ HP
                                                               match HP with
                                                               | conj _ HP
                                                                   | conj HP
                                   (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm
                                      match HP with
                                      | conj _ HP
                                          match HP with
                                          | conj _ HP
                                              match HP with
                                              | conj _ HP
                                                  match HP with
                                                  | conj _ HP
                                                      match HP with
                                                      | conj _ HP
                                                          match HP with
                                                          | conj _ HP
                                                              match HP with
                                                              | conj _ HP
                                                                  | conj _ HP
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj HP
                                      (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm
                                         H_cterm s10
                                         match HP with
                                         | conj _ HP
                                             match HP with
                                             | conj _ HP
                                                 match HP with
                                                 | conj _ HP
                                                     match HP with
                                                     | conj _ HP
                                                         match HP with
                                                         | conj _ HP
                                                             match HP with
                                                             | conj _ HP
                                                                 | conj _ HP
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj HP
                                         (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm
                                            H_cterm s11
                                            match HP with
                                            | conj _ HP
                                                match HP with
                                                | conj _ HP
                                                    match HP with
                                                    | conj _ HP
                                                        match HP with
                                                        | conj _ HP
                                                            match HP with
                                                            | conj _ HP
                                                                match HP with
                                                                | conj _ HP
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj HP
                                            end) I)))))))))))
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
      fun HP
        (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s0
           match HP with
           | conj HP _HP
           (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s1
              match HP with
              | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                             | conj HP _HP
              (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s2
                 match HP with
                 | conj _ HP
                     match HP with
                     | conj _ HPmatch HP with
                                    | conj HP _HP
                 (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s3
                    match HP with
                    | conj _ HP
                        match HP with
                        | conj _ HP
                            match HP with
                            | conj _ HP
                                match HP with
                                | conj HP _HP
                    (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s4
                       match HP with
                       | conj _ HP
                           match HP with
                           | conj _ HP
                               match HP with
                               | conj _ HP
                                   match HP with
                                   | conj _ HP
                                       match HP with
                                       | conj HP _HP
                       (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s5
                          match HP with
                          | conj _ HP
                              match HP with
                              | conj _ HP
                                  match HP with
                                  | conj _ HP
                                      match HP with
                                      | conj _ HP
                                          match HP with
                                          | conj _ HP
                                              match HP with
                                              | conj HP _HP
                          (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s6
                             match HP with
                             | conj _ HP
                                 match HP with
                                 | conj _ HP
                                     match HP with
                                     | conj _ HP
                                         match HP with
                                         | conj _ HP
                                             match HP with
                                             | conj _ HP
                                                 match HP with
                                                 | conj _ HP
                                                     match HP with
                                                     | conj HP _HP
                             (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s7
                                match HP with
                                | conj _ HP
                                    match HP with
                                    | conj _ HP
                                        match HP with
                                        | conj _ HP
                                            match HP with
                                            | conj _ HP
                                                match HP with
                                                | conj _ HP
                                                    match HP with
                                                    | conj _ HP
                                                        match HP with
                                                        | conj _ HP
                                                            match HP with
                                                            | conj HP _HP
                                (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm s8
                                   match HP with
                                   | conj _ HP
                                       match HP with
                                       | conj _ HP
                                           match HP with
                                           | conj _ HP
                                               match HP with
                                               | conj _ HP
                                                   match HP with
                                                   | conj _ HP
                                                       match HP with
                                                       | conj _ HP
                                                           match HP with
                                                           | conj _ HP
                                                               match HP with
                                                               | conj _ HP
                                                                   | conj HP
                                   (allfvImpl_cterm p_cterm q_cterm H_cterm
                                      match HP with
                                      | conj _ HP
                                          match HP with
                                          | conj _ HP
                                              match HP with
                                              | conj _ HP
                                                  match HP with
                                                  | conj _ HP
                                                      match HP with
                                                      | conj _ HP
                                                          match HP with
                                                          | conj _ HP
                                                              match HP with
                                                              | conj _ HP
                                                                  | conj _ HP
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj HP
                                      end) I)))))))))

Lemma upAllfvRenL_cterm_cterm (p : nat Prop) (xi : nat nat) :
  upAllfv_cterm_cterm p (upRen_cterm_cterm xi x)
  upAllfv_cterm_cterm (funcomp p xi) x.
exact (fun xmatch x with
                | S n'fun ii
                | Ofun HH

Fixpoint allfvRenL_cterm (p_cterm : nat Prop) (xi_cterm : nat nat)
(s : cterm) {struct s} :
allfv_cterm p_cterm (ren_cterm xi_cterm s)
allfv_cterm (funcomp p_cterm xi_cterm) s :=
  match s with
  | cvar s0fun HH
  | cSort s0 s1fun Hconj I (conj I I)
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      fun H
      conj I
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvImpl_cterm _ _ (upAllfvRenL_cterm_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm)
                 (allfvRenL_cterm (upAllfv_cterm_cterm p_cterm)
                    (upRen_cterm_cterm xi_cterm) s2
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                      | conj H _H
                    end)) I))
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      fun H
      conj I
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvImpl_cterm _ _ (upAllfvRenL_cterm_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm)
                 (allfvRenL_cterm (upAllfv_cterm_cterm p_cterm)
                    (upRen_cterm_cterm xi_cterm) s2
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                      | conj H _H
                    end)) I))
  | capp s0 s1
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              end) I)
  | cunitfun HI
  | cttfun HI
  | ctopfun HI
  | cstarfun HI
  | cbotfun HI
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      fun H
      conj I
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 end) I))
  | cty s0fun Hconj I I
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      fun H
      conj I
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 end) I))
  | ctyerrfun HI
  | cEl s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | cErr s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | squash s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | sq s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 end) I))
  | teq s0 s1 s2
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 end) I))
  | trefl s0 s1
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              end) I)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 end) I))
  | eboolfun HI
  | etruefun HI
  | efalsefun HI
  | bool_errfun HI
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      fun H
      conj I
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s4
                       match H with
                       | conj _ H
                           match H with
                           | conj _ H
                               match H with
                               | conj _ H
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj H _H
                       (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s5
                          match H with
                          | conj _ H
                              match H with
                              | conj _ H
                                  match H with
                                  | conj _ H
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj H _H
                          end) I)))))
  | pboolfun HI
  | ptruefun HI
  | pfalsefun HI
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    end) I)))
  | enatfun HI
  | ezerofun HI
  | esucc s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    end) I)))
  | pnatfun HI
  | pzerofun HI
  | psucc s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s4
                       match H with
                       | conj _ H
                           match H with
                           | conj _ H
                               match H with
                               | conj _ H
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj H _H
                       (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s5
                          match H with
                          | conj _ H
                              match H with
                              | conj _ H
                                  match H with
                                  | conj _ H
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj H _H
                          (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s6
                             match H with
                             | conj _ H
                                 match H with
                                 | conj _ H
                                     match H with
                                     | conj _ H
                                         match H with
                                         | conj _ H
                                             match H with
                                             | conj _ H
                                                 match H with
                                                 | conj _ H
                                                     match H with
                                                     | conj H _H
                             (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s7
                                match H with
                                | conj _ H
                                    match H with
                                    | conj _ H
                                        match H with
                                        | conj _ H
                                            match H with
                                            | conj _ H
                                                match H with
                                                | conj _ H
                                                    match H with
                                                    | conj _ H
                                                        match H with
                                                        | conj _ H
                                                            match H with
                                                            | conj H _H
                                end) I)))))))
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s4
                       match H with
                       | conj _ H
                           match H with
                           | conj _ H
                               match H with
                               | conj _ H
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj H _H
                       (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s5
                          match H with
                          | conj _ H
                              match H with
                              | conj _ H
                                  match H with
                                  | conj _ H
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj H _H
                          end) I)))))
  | evec s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | evnil s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | evcons s0 s1
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              end) I)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    end) I)))
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    end) I)))
  | pvnil s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 end) I))
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s4
                       match H with
                       | conj _ H
                           match H with
                           | conj _ H
                               match H with
                               | conj _ H
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj H _H
                       (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s5
                          match H with
                          | conj _ H
                              match H with
                              | conj _ H
                                  match H with
                                  | conj _ H
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj H _H
                          (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s6
                             match H with
                             | conj _ H
                                 match H with
                                 | conj _ H
                                     match H with
                                     | conj _ H
                                         match H with
                                         | conj _ H
                                             match H with
                                             | conj _ H
                                                 match H with
                                                 | conj _ H
                                                     match H with
                                                     | conj H _H
                             (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s7
                                match H with
                                | conj _ H
                                    match H with
                                    | conj _ H
                                        match H with
                                        | conj _ H
                                            match H with
                                            | conj _ H
                                                match H with
                                                | conj _ H
                                                    match H with
                                                    | conj _ H
                                                        match H with
                                                        | conj _ H
                                                            match H with
                                                            | conj H _H
                                (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s8
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj _ H
                                           match H with
                                           | conj _ H
                                               match H with
                                               | conj _ H
                                                   match H with
                                                   | conj _ H
                                                       match H with
                                                       | conj _ H
                                                           match H with
                                                           | conj _ H
                                                               match H with
                                                               | conj _ H
                                                                   | conj H _
                                   (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s9
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj _ H
                                                  match H with
                                                  | conj _ H
                                                      match H with
                                                      | conj _ H
                                                          match H with
                                                          | conj _ H
                                                              match H with
                                                              | conj _ H
                                                                  | conj _ H
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj H
                                      (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s10
                                         match H with
                                         | conj _ H
                                             match H with
                                             | conj _ H
                                                 match H with
                                                 | conj _ H
                                                     match H with
                                                     | conj _ H
                                                         match H with
                                                         | conj _ H
                                                             match H with
                                                             | conj _ H
                                                                 match H with
                                                                 | conj _ H
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj H
                                         (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm
                                            match H with
                                            | conj _ H
                                                match H with
                                                | conj _ H
                                                    match H with
                                                    | conj _ H
                                                        match H with
                                                        | conj _ H
                                                            match H with
                                                            | conj _ H
                                                                match H with
                                                                | conj _ H
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj H
                                            end) I)))))))))))
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s4
                       match H with
                       | conj _ H
                           match H with
                           | conj _ H
                               match H with
                               | conj _ H
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj H _H
                       (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s5
                          match H with
                          | conj _ H
                              match H with
                              | conj _ H
                                  match H with
                                  | conj _ H
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj H _H
                          (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s6
                             match H with
                             | conj _ H
                                 match H with
                                 | conj _ H
                                     match H with
                                     | conj _ H
                                         match H with
                                         | conj _ H
                                             match H with
                                             | conj _ H
                                                 match H with
                                                 | conj _ H
                                                     match H with
                                                     | conj H _H
                             (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s7
                                match H with
                                | conj _ H
                                    match H with
                                    | conj _ H
                                        match H with
                                        | conj _ H
                                            match H with
                                            | conj _ H
                                                match H with
                                                | conj _ H
                                                    match H with
                                                    | conj _ H
                                                        match H with
                                                        | conj _ H
                                                            match H with
                                                            | conj H _H
                                (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s8
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj _ H
                                           match H with
                                           | conj _ H
                                               match H with
                                               | conj _ H
                                                   match H with
                                                   | conj _ H
                                                       match H with
                                                       | conj _ H
                                                           match H with
                                                           | conj _ H
                                                               match H with
                                                               | conj _ H
                                                                   | conj H _
                                   (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s9
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj _ H
                                                  match H with
                                                  | conj _ H
                                                      match H with
                                                      | conj _ H
                                                          match H with
                                                          | conj _ H
                                                              match H with
                                                              | conj _ H
                                                                  | conj _ H
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj H
                                      (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s10
                                         match H with
                                         | conj _ H
                                             match H with
                                             | conj _ H
                                                 match H with
                                                 | conj _ H
                                                     match H with
                                                     | conj _ H
                                                         match H with
                                                         | conj _ H
                                                             match H with
                                                             | conj _ H
                                                                 match H with
                                                                 | conj _ H
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj H
                                         (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm
                                            match H with
                                            | conj _ H
                                                match H with
                                                | conj _ H
                                                    match H with
                                                    | conj _ H
                                                        match H with
                                                        | conj _ H
                                                            match H with
                                                            | conj _ H
                                                                match H with
                                                                | conj _ H
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj H
                                            end) I)))))))))))
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
      fun H
        (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s4
                       match H with
                       | conj _ H
                           match H with
                           | conj _ H
                               match H with
                               | conj _ H
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj H _H
                       (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s5
                          match H with
                          | conj _ H
                              match H with
                              | conj _ H
                                  match H with
                                  | conj _ H
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj H _H
                          (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s6
                             match H with
                             | conj _ H
                                 match H with
                                 | conj _ H
                                     match H with
                                     | conj _ H
                                         match H with
                                         | conj _ H
                                             match H with
                                             | conj _ H
                                                 match H with
                                                 | conj _ H
                                                     match H with
                                                     | conj H _H
                             (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s7
                                match H with
                                | conj _ H
                                    match H with
                                    | conj _ H
                                        match H with
                                        | conj _ H
                                            match H with
                                            | conj _ H
                                                match H with
                                                | conj _ H
                                                    match H with
                                                    | conj _ H
                                                        match H with
                                                        | conj _ H
                                                            match H with
                                                            | conj H _H
                                (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s8
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj _ H
                                           match H with
                                           | conj _ H
                                               match H with
                                               | conj _ H
                                                   match H with
                                                   | conj _ H
                                                       match H with
                                                       | conj _ H
                                                           match H with
                                                           | conj _ H
                                                               match H with
                                                               | conj _ H
                                                                   | conj H _
                                   (allfvRenL_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s9
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj _ H
                                                  match H with
                                                  | conj _ H
                                                      match H with
                                                      | conj _ H
                                                          match H with
                                                          | conj _ H
                                                              match H with
                                                              | conj _ H
                                                                  | conj _ H
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj H
                                      end) I)))))))))

Lemma upAllfvRenR_cterm_cterm (p : nat Prop) (xi : nat nat) :
  upAllfv_cterm_cterm (funcomp p xi) x
  upAllfv_cterm_cterm p (upRen_cterm_cterm xi x).
exact (fun xmatch x with
                | S n'fun ii
                | Ofun HH

Fixpoint allfvRenR_cterm (p_cterm : nat Prop) (xi_cterm : nat nat)
(s : cterm) {struct s} :
allfv_cterm (funcomp p_cterm xi_cterm) s
allfv_cterm p_cterm (ren_cterm xi_cterm s) :=
  match s with
  | cvar s0fun HH
  | cSort s0 s1fun Hconj I (conj I I)
  | cPi s0 s1 s2
      fun H
      conj I
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm (upAllfv_cterm_cterm p_cterm)
                 (upRen_cterm_cterm xi_cterm) s2
                 (allfvImpl_cterm _ _
                    (upAllfvRenR_cterm_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm) s2
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                      | conj H _H
                    end)) I))
  | clam s0 s1 s2
      fun H
      conj I
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm (upAllfv_cterm_cterm p_cterm)
                 (upRen_cterm_cterm xi_cterm) s2
                 (allfvImpl_cterm _ _
                    (upAllfvRenR_cterm_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm) s2
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                      | conj H _H
                    end)) I))
  | capp s0 s1
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              end) I)
  | cunitfun HI
  | cttfun HI
  | ctopfun HI
  | cstarfun HI
  | cbotfun HI
  | cbot_elim s0 s1 s2
      fun H
      conj I
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 end) I))
  | cty s0fun Hconj I I
  | ctyval s0 s1 s2
      fun H
      conj I
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 end) I))
  | ctyerrfun HI
  | cEl s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | cErr s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | squash s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | sq s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | sq_elim s0 s1 s2
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 end) I))
  | teq s0 s1 s2
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 end) I))
  | trefl s0 s1
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              end) I)
  | tJ s0 s1 s2
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 end) I))
  | eboolfun HI
  | etruefun HI
  | efalsefun HI
  | bool_errfun HI
  | eif s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      fun H
      conj I
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s4
                       match H with
                       | conj _ H
                           match H with
                           | conj _ H
                               match H with
                               | conj _ H
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj H _H
                       (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s5
                          match H with
                          | conj _ H
                              match H with
                              | conj _ H
                                  match H with
                                  | conj _ H
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj H _H
                          end) I)))))
  | pboolfun HI
  | ptruefun HI
  | pfalsefun HI
  | pif s0 s1 s2 s3
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    end) I)))
  | enatfun HI
  | ezerofun HI
  | esucc s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | enat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    end) I)))
  | pnatfun HI
  | pzerofun HI
  | psucc s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | pnat_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s4
                       match H with
                       | conj _ H
                           match H with
                           | conj _ H
                               match H with
                               | conj _ H
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj H _H
                       (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s5
                          match H with
                          | conj _ H
                              match H with
                              | conj _ H
                                  match H with
                                  | conj _ H
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj H _H
                          (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s6
                             match H with
                             | conj _ H
                                 match H with
                                 | conj _ H
                                     match H with
                                     | conj _ H
                                         match H with
                                         | conj _ H
                                             match H with
                                             | conj _ H
                                                 match H with
                                                 | conj _ H
                                                     match H with
                                                     | conj H _H
                             (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s7
                                match H with
                                | conj _ H
                                    match H with
                                    | conj _ H
                                        match H with
                                        | conj _ H
                                            match H with
                                            | conj _ H
                                                match H with
                                                | conj _ H
                                                    match H with
                                                    | conj _ H
                                                        match H with
                                                        | conj _ H
                                                            match H with
                                                            | conj H _H
                                end) I)))))))
  | pnat_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s4
                       match H with
                       | conj _ H
                           match H with
                           | conj _ H
                               match H with
                               | conj _ H
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj H _H
                       (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s5
                          match H with
                          | conj _ H
                              match H with
                              | conj _ H
                                  match H with
                                  | conj _ H
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj H _H
                          end) I)))))
  | evec s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | evnil s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | evcons s0 s1
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              end) I)
  | evec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    end) I)))
  | pvec s0 s1 s2 s3
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    end) I)))
  | pvnil s0
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
                                             end) I
  | pvcons s0 s1 s2
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 end) I))
  | pvec_elim s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s4
                       match H with
                       | conj _ H
                           match H with
                           | conj _ H
                               match H with
                               | conj _ H
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj H _H
                       (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s5
                          match H with
                          | conj _ H
                              match H with
                              | conj _ H
                                  match H with
                                  | conj _ H
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj H _H
                          (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s6
                             match H with
                             | conj _ H
                                 match H with
                                 | conj _ H
                                     match H with
                                     | conj _ H
                                         match H with
                                         | conj _ H
                                             match H with
                                             | conj _ H
                                                 match H with
                                                 | conj _ H
                                                     match H with
                                                     | conj H _H
                             (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s7
                                match H with
                                | conj _ H
                                    match H with
                                    | conj _ H
                                        match H with
                                        | conj _ H
                                            match H with
                                            | conj _ H
                                                match H with
                                                | conj _ H
                                                    match H with
                                                    | conj _ H
                                                        match H with
                                                        | conj _ H
                                                            match H with
                                                            | conj H _H
                                (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s8
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj _ H
                                           match H with
                                           | conj _ H
                                               match H with
                                               | conj _ H
                                                   match H with
                                                   | conj _ H
                                                       match H with
                                                       | conj _ H
                                                           match H with
                                                           | conj _ H
                                                               match H with
                                                               | conj _ H
                                                                   | conj H _
                                   (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s9
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj _ H
                                                  match H with
                                                  | conj _ H
                                                      match H with
                                                      | conj _ H
                                                          match H with
                                                          | conj _ H
                                                              match H with
                                                              | conj _ H
                                                                  | conj _ H
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj H
                                      (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s10
                                         match H with
                                         | conj _ H
                                             match H with
                                             | conj _ H
                                                 match H with
                                                 | conj _ H
                                                     match H with
                                                     | conj _ H
                                                         match H with
                                                         | conj _ H
                                                             match H with
                                                             | conj _ H
                                                                 match H with
                                                                 | conj _ H
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj H
                                         (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm
                                            match H with
                                            | conj _ H
                                                match H with
                                                | conj _ H
                                                    match H with
                                                    | conj _ H
                                                        match H with
                                                        | conj _ H
                                                            match H with
                                                            | conj _ H
                                                                match H with
                                                                | conj _ H
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj H
                                            end) I)))))))))))
  | pvec_elimG s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s4
                       match H with
                       | conj _ H
                           match H with
                           | conj _ H
                               match H with
                               | conj _ H
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj H _H
                       (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s5
                          match H with
                          | conj _ H
                              match H with
                              | conj _ H
                                  match H with
                                  | conj _ H
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj H _H
                          (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s6
                             match H with
                             | conj _ H
                                 match H with
                                 | conj _ H
                                     match H with
                                     | conj _ H
                                         match H with
                                         | conj _ H
                                             match H with
                                             | conj _ H
                                                 match H with
                                                 | conj _ H
                                                     match H with
                                                     | conj H _H
                             (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s7
                                match H with
                                | conj _ H
                                    match H with
                                    | conj _ H
                                        match H with
                                        | conj _ H
                                            match H with
                                            | conj _ H
                                                match H with
                                                | conj _ H
                                                    match H with
                                                    | conj _ H
                                                        match H with
                                                        | conj _ H
                                                            match H with
                                                            | conj H _H
                                (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s8
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj _ H
                                           match H with
                                           | conj _ H
                                               match H with
                                               | conj _ H
                                                   match H with
                                                   | conj _ H
                                                       match H with
                                                       | conj _ H
                                                           match H with
                                                           | conj _ H
                                                               match H with
                                                               | conj _ H
                                                                   | conj H _
                                   (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s9
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj _ H
                                                  match H with
                                                  | conj _ H
                                                      match H with
                                                      | conj _ H
                                                          match H with
                                                          | conj _ H
                                                              match H with
                                                              | conj _ H
                                                                  | conj _ H
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj H
                                      (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s10
                                         match H with
                                         | conj _ H
                                             match H with
                                             | conj _ H
                                                 match H with
                                                 | conj _ H
                                                     match H with
                                                     | conj _ H
                                                         match H with
                                                         | conj _ H
                                                             match H with
                                                             | conj _ H
                                                                 match H with
                                                                 | conj _ H
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj H
                                         (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm
                                            match H with
                                            | conj _ H
                                                match H with
                                                | conj _ H
                                                    match H with
                                                    | conj _ H
                                                        match H with
                                                        | conj _ H
                                                            match H with
                                                            | conj _ H
                                                                match H with
                                                                | conj _ H
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj H
                                            end) I)))))))))))
  | pvec_elimP s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9
      fun H
        (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s0 match H with
                                             | conj H _H
           (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s1
              match H with
              | conj _ Hmatch H with
                            | conj H _H
              (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s2
                 match H with
                 | conj _ H
                     match H with
                     | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                   | conj H _H
                 (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s3
                    match H with
                    | conj _ H
                        match H with
                        | conj _ H
                            match H with
                            | conj _ Hmatch H with
                                          | conj H _H
                    (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s4
                       match H with
                       | conj _ H
                           match H with
                           | conj _ H
                               match H with
                               | conj _ H
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj H _H
                       (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s5
                          match H with
                          | conj _ H
                              match H with
                              | conj _ H
                                  match H with
                                  | conj _ H
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj H _H
                          (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s6
                             match H with
                             | conj _ H
                                 match H with
                                 | conj _ H
                                     match H with
                                     | conj _ H
                                         match H with
                                         | conj _ H
                                             match H with
                                             | conj _ H
                                                 match H with
                                                 | conj _ H
                                                     match H with
                                                     | conj H _H
                             (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s7
                                match H with
                                | conj _ H
                                    match H with
                                    | conj _ H
                                        match H with
                                        | conj _ H
                                            match H with
                                            | conj _ H
                                                match H with
                                                | conj _ H
                                                    match H with
                                                    | conj _ H
                                                        match H with
                                                        | conj _ H
                                                            match H with
                                                            | conj H _H
                                (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s8
                                   match H with
                                   | conj _ H
                                       match H with
                                       | conj _ H
                                           match H with
                                           | conj _ H
                                               match H with
                                               | conj _ H
                                                   match H with
                                                   | conj _ H
                                                       match H with
                                                       | conj _ H
                                                           match H with
                                                           | conj _ H
                                                               match H with
                                                               | conj _ H
                                                                   | conj H _
                                   (allfvRenR_cterm p_cterm xi_cterm s9
                                      match H with
                                      | conj _ H
                                          match H with
                                          | conj _ H
                                              match H with
                                              | conj _ H
                                                  match H with
                                                  | conj _ H
                                                      match H with
                                                      | conj _ H
                                                          match H with
                                                          | conj _ H
                                                              match H with
                                                              | conj _ H
                                                                  | conj _ H
                                                                    | conj _
                                                                    | conj H
                                      end) I)))))))))

End Allfv.

Module Extra.

Import Core.

#[global]Hint Opaque subst_cterm: rewrite.

#[global]Hint Opaque ren_cterm: rewrite.

End Extra.

Module interface.

Export Core.

Export Allfv.

Export Extra.

End interface.

Export interface.