
Autosubst reflective tactic that should be more efficient than asimpl
Ways to improve:
  • Ideally, we could do much more in one step if we could incude all rules pertaining to constructors of the syntax, but this should be generated.
  • shift could be shiftn instead, as we often need those, better than using addn manually, and the tactic could handle those easily.
  • Could call minimize only on subterms that are to be quoted as substitutions or renamings. In fact could be on the fly like quote λ x, ?f x as quote_subst f and so on for funcomp.

From Coq Require Import Utf8 List.
From GhostTT.autosubst Require Import core unscoped.
From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms Relation_Definitions.
Import ListNotations.

Inductive quoted_nat :=
| qnat_atom (n : nat)
| q0
| qS (n : quoted_nat).

Inductive quoted_ren :=
| qren_atom (ρ : nat nat)
| qren_comp (r q : quoted_ren)
| qren_cons (n : quoted_nat) (q : quoted_ren)
| qren_id
| qren_shift.

Fixpoint unquote_nat q :=
  match q with
  | qnat_atom nn
  | q0 ⇒ 0
  | qS nS (unquote_nat n)

Fixpoint unquote_ren q :=
  match q with
  | qren_atom ρ ⇒ ρ
  | qren_comp r qfuncomp (unquote_ren r) (unquote_ren q)
  | qren_cons n qscons (unquote_nat n) (unquote_ren q)
  | qren_idid
  | qren_shiftS


Fixpoint apply_ren (r : quoted_ren) (n : quoted_nat) : quoted_nat :=
  match r, n with
  | qren_atom ρ, _qnat_atom (ρ (unquote_nat n))
  | qren_id, _n
  | qren_shift, _qS n
  | _, qnat_atom nqnat_atom (unquote_ren r n)
  | qren_comp r q, _apply_ren r (apply_ren q n)
  | qren_cons m q, q0m
  | qren_cons m q, qS napply_ren q n

Inductive eval_ren_comp_view : quoted_ren quoted_ren Type :=
| eval_ren_id_l q : eval_ren_comp_view qren_id q
| eval_ren_id_r r : eval_ren_comp_view r qren_id
| eval_ren_cons_shift n r : eval_ren_comp_view (qren_cons n r) qren_shift
| eval_ren_comp_r r u v : eval_ren_comp_view r (qren_comp u v)
| eval_ren_cons_r r n q : eval_ren_comp_view r (qren_cons n q)
| eval_ren_comp_other r q : eval_ren_comp_view r q.

Definition eval_ren_comp_c r q : eval_ren_comp_view r q :=
  match r, q with
  | qren_id, qeval_ren_id_l q
  | r, qren_ideval_ren_id_r r
  | qren_cons n r, qren_shifteval_ren_cons_shift n r
  | r, qren_comp u veval_ren_comp_r r u v
  | r, qren_cons n qeval_ren_cons_r r n q
  | r, qeval_ren_comp_other r q

Fixpoint eval_ren (r : quoted_ren) :=
  match r with
  | qren_comp r q
    let r := eval_ren r in
    let q := eval_ren q in
    match eval_ren_comp_c r q with
    | eval_ren_id_l qq
    | eval_ren_id_r rr
    | eval_ren_cons_shift n rr
    | eval_ren_comp_r r u vqren_comp (qren_comp r u) v
    | eval_ren_cons_r r n qqren_cons (apply_ren r n) (qren_comp r q)
    | eval_ren_comp_other r qqren_comp r q
  | qren_cons q0 qren_shiftqren_id
  | qren_cons n r
    let r := eval_ren r in
    qren_cons n r
  | _r

Inductive qren_id_view : quoted_ren Type :=
| is_qren_id : qren_id_view qren_id
| not_qren_id r : qren_id_view r.

Definition test_qren_id r : qren_id_view r :=
  match r with
  | qren_idis_qren_id
  | rnot_qren_id r


Lemma apply_ren_sound :
   r n,
    unquote_nat (apply_ren r n) = unquote_ren r (unquote_nat n).
  intros r n.
  induction r in n |- ×.
  all: try reflexivity.
  - cbn. destruct n.
    + reflexivity.
    + cbn. rewrite IHr1, IHr2. reflexivity.
    + cbn. rewrite IHr1, IHr2. reflexivity.
  - cbn. destruct n.
    + reflexivity.
    + reflexivity.
    + cbn. rewrite IHr. reflexivity.

Ltac set_eval_ren na :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- context [ eval_ren ?r ] ⇒
    set (na := eval_ren r) in × ;
    clearbody na

Ltac set_unquote_ren na :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- context [ unquote_ren ?r ] ⇒
    set (na := unquote_ren r) in × ;
    clearbody na

Ltac set_unquote_rens :=
  repeat (let n := fresh "r" in set_unquote_ren n).

Lemma eval_ren_sound :
    pointwise_relation _ eq (unquote_ren r) (unquote_ren (eval_ren r)).
  intros r n.
  induction r in n |- ×.
  all: try reflexivity.
  - cbn. set_eval_ren er1. set_eval_ren er2.
    destruct eval_ren_comp_c.
    all: unfold funcomp ; cbn - [apply_ren] in ×.
    all: try solve [ rewrite IHr1, IHr2 ; reflexivity ].
    rewrite IHr1, IHr2.
    rewrite apply_ren_sound.
    apply scons_comp'.
  - cbn. destruct n0.
    + cbn. eapply scons_morphism. 1: reflexivity.
    + destruct r. all: try reflexivity.
      × set (rr := eval_ren _) in ×.
          eapply scons_morphism. 1: reflexivity.
          intro. eapply IHr.
        destruct n. all: reflexivity.
      × set (rr := eval_ren _) in ×.
          eapply scons_morphism. 1: reflexivity.
          intro. eapply IHr.
        destruct n. all: reflexivity.
      × cbn. apply scons_eta_id'.
    + cbn. apply scons_morphism. 1: reflexivity.


Ltac quote_nat n :=
  lazymatch n with
  | 0 ⇒ constr:(q0)
  | var_zeroconstr:(q0)
  | S ?n
    let q := quote_nat n in
    constr:(qS q)
  | _constr:(qnat_atom n)

Ltac quote_ren r :=
  lazymatch r with
  | funcomp ?r ?r'
    let q := quote_ren r in
    let q' := quote_ren r' in
    constr:(qren_comp q q')
  | scons ?n ?r
    let qn := quote_nat n in
    let q := quote_ren r in
    constr:(qren_cons qn q)
  | idconstr:(qren_id)
  | λ x, xconstr:(qren_id)
  | shiftconstr:(qren_shift)
  | Sconstr:(qren_shift)
  (* Instead of minimize *)
  | λ x, ?g (?f x) ⇒
    let t := constr:(funcomp g f) in
    quote_ren t
  | λ x, ?f x
    let t := constr:(f) in
    quote_ren t
  | _constr:(qren_atom r)

Main tactic
To make it user-extensible, we rely on type classes.

Create HintDb asimpl_unfold.

(* Common *)
#[export] Hint Unfold
  Var ids Ren1 ren1 Subst1 subst1 up_ren var_zero
  : asimpl_unfold.

Tactic Notation "aunfold" := autounfold with asimpl_unfold.
Tactic Notation "aunfold" "in" hyp(h) := autounfold with asimpl_unfold in h.
Tactic Notation "aunfold" "in" "*" := autounfold with asimpl_unfold in ×.

Declare Reduction asimpl_cbn :=
  cbn [
    unquote_ren eval_ren apply_ren eval_ren_comp_c

Declare Reduction asimpl_unfold :=
  unfold up_ren, var_zero.

Class RenSimplification (r s : nat nat) := MkSimplRen {
  autosubst_simpl_ren : pointwise_relation _ eq r s

Arguments autosubst_simpl_ren r {s _}.

Hint Mode RenSimplification + - : typeclass_instances.

#[export] Hint Extern 10 (RenSimplification ?r _) ⇒
  let q := quote_ren r in
  let s := eval asimpl_cbn in (unquote_ren (eval_ren q)) in
  let s := eval asimpl_unfold in s in
  exact (MkSimplRen r s (eval_ren_sound q))
  : typeclass_instances.

In order to avoid flooding type class resolution with useless cases, we only ever rewrite when there are certain triggers. By default those are a term with a substitution or renaming in its head.
If you want to support other cases such as triggering renaming simplification in a certain judgment, then you need to add the corresponding trigger.
For now, it seems better to have term simplication done using the topdown strategy while substitution and renaming simplification performed using the the outermost one. We thus use an extra database for the latter.

Create HintDb asimpl.
Create HintDb asimpl_outermost.

(* [export] Hint Rewrite -> autosubst_simpl_cterm : asimpl. *)
(* [export] Hint Rewrite -> autosubst_simpl_cterm_ren : asimpl. export Hint Rewrite -> autosubst_simpl_cterm_subst : asimpl. *)
(* [export] Hint Rewrite -> autosubst_simpl_ren : asimpl. *)
(* [export] Hint Rewrite -> autosubst_simpl_csubst : asimpl. *)

Ltac rasimpl' :=
  (rewrite_strat (topdown (hints asimpl))) ; [ | (exact _) ..].

Ltac rasimpl'_outermost :=
  (rewrite_strat (outermost (hints asimpl_outermost))) ; [ | (exact _) ..].

Ltac rasimpl :=
  aunfold ;
  repeat rasimpl' ;
  repeat rasimpl'_outermost.

(* Taken from core.minimize *)
Ltac minimize_in h :=
  repeat first [
    change (λ x, ?f x) with f in h
  | change (λ x, ?g (?f x)) with (funcomp g f) in h

Tactic Notation "minimize" "in" hyp(h) := minimize_in h.

Ltac rasimpl'_in h :=
  (rewrite_strat (topdown (hints asimpl)) in h) ; [ | (exact _) ..].

Ltac rasimpl'_outermost_in h :=
  (rewrite_strat (outermost (hints asimpl_outermost)) in h) ; [ | (exact _) ..].

Ltac rasimpl_in h :=
  aunfold in h ;
  repeat rasimpl'_in h ;
  repeat rasimpl'_outermost_in h.

Tactic Notation "rasimpl" "in" hyp(h) :=
  rasimpl_in h.