
Basic meta-theory before building the model

From Coq Require Import Utf8 List.
From GhostTT.autosubst Require Import GAST unscoped RAsimpl CCAST_rasimpl GAST_rasimpl.
From GhostTT Require Import Util BasicAST SubstNotations ContextDecl CastRemoval
  TermMode Scoping Typing.
From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms Relation_Definitions.

From Equations Require Import Equations.

Import ListNotations.
Import CombineNotations.

Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Substitution preserves modes

Definition rscoping (Γ : scope) (ρ : nat nat) (Δ : scope) : Prop :=
   x m,
    nth_error Δ x = Some m
    nth_error Γ (ρ x) = Some m.

Inductive sscoping (Γ : scope) (σ : nat term) : scope Prop :=
| scope_nil : sscoping Γ σ []
| scope_cons :
     Δ m,
      sscoping Γ ( >> σ) Δ
      scoping Γ (σ var_zero) m
      sscoping Γ σ (m :: Δ).

Lemma rscoping_S :
   Γ m,
    rscoping (m :: Γ) S Γ.
  intros Γ m. intros x mx e.
  cbn. assumption.

Lemma rscoping_shift :
   Γ Δ ρ mx,
    rscoping Γ ρ Δ
    rscoping (mx :: Γ) (0 .: ρ >> S) (mx :: Δ).
  intros ? ? ? mx h' y my e.
  destruct y.
  - simpl in ×. assumption.
  - simpl in ×. apply h'. assumption.

Lemma scoping_ren :
   Γ Δ ρ t m,
    rscoping Γ ρ Δ
    scoping Δ t m
    scoping Γ (ren_term ρ t) m.
  intros Γ Δ ρ t m hρ ht.
  pose proof rscoping_shift as lem.
  induction ht in Γ, ρ, hρ, lem |- ×.
  all: solve [ rasimpl ; econstructor ; eauto ].

Lemma sscoping_weak :
   Γ Δ σ m,
    sscoping Γ σ Δ
    sscoping (m :: Γ) (σ >> ren_term ) Δ.
  intros Γ Δ σ m h.
  induction h.
  - constructor.
  - constructor.
    + assumption.
    + rasimpl. eapply scoping_ren. 2: eassumption.
      apply rscoping_S.

Lemma scoping_subst :
   Γ Δ σ t m,
    sscoping Γ σ Δ
    scoping Δ t m
    scoping Γ (t <[ σ ]) m.
  intros Γ Δ σ t m hσ ht.
  induction ht in Γ, σ, hσ |- ×.
  all: try solve [ rasimpl ; econstructor ; eauto ].
  - rename H into hx, Γ0 into Δ.
    rasimpl. induction hσ in x, hx |- ×. 1: destruct x ; discriminate.
    destruct x.
    + simpl in ×. inversion hx. subst. assumption.
    + apply IHhσ. simpl in hx. assumption.
  - rasimpl. constructor.
    + eauto.
    + apply IHht2. constructor.
      × rasimpl. apply sscoping_weak. assumption.
      × rasimpl. constructor. reflexivity.
  - rasimpl. constructor.
    + eauto.
    + apply IHht2. constructor.
      × rasimpl. apply sscoping_weak. assumption.
      × rasimpl. constructor. reflexivity.

Lemma sscoping_shift :
   Γ Δ mx σ,
    sscoping Γ σ Δ
    sscoping (mx :: Γ) (var 0 .: σ >> ren1 S) (mx :: Δ).
  intros Γ Δ mx σ h.
  - rasimpl. apply sscoping_weak. assumption.
  - rasimpl. constructor. reflexivity.

#[export] Instance rscoping_morphism :
  Proper (eq ==> pointwise_relation _ eq ==> eq ==> iff) rscoping.
  intros Γ ? <- ρ ρ' e Δ ? <-.
  revert ρ ρ' e. wlog_iff. intros ρ ρ' e h.
  intros n m en. rewrite <- e. apply h. assumption.

Lemma autosubst_simpl_rscoping :
   Γ Δ r s,
    RenSimplification r s
    rscoping Γ r Δ rscoping Γ s Δ.
  intros Γ Δ r s H.
  apply rscoping_morphism. 1,3: auto.
  apply H.

#[export] Hint Rewriteautosubst_simpl_rscoping : rasimpl_outermost.

#[export] Instance sscoping_morphism :
  Proper (eq ==> pointwise_relation _ eq ==> eq ==> iff) sscoping.
  intros Γ ? <- σ σ' e Δ ? <-.
  revert σ σ' e. wlog_iff. intros σ σ' e h.
  induction h as [| ? ? ? ? ih ] in σ', e |- ×.
  - constructor.
  - constructor.
    + apply ih. intros n. apply e.
    + rewrite <- e. assumption.

Lemma autosubst_simpl_sscoping :
   Γ Δ r s,
    SubstSimplification r s
    sscoping Γ r Δ sscoping Γ s Δ.
  intros Γ Δ r s H.
  apply sscoping_morphism. 1,3: auto.
  apply H.

#[export] Hint Rewriteautosubst_simpl_sscoping : rasimpl_outermost.

Lemma sscoping_ids :
    sscoping Γ ids Γ.
  intros Γ. induction Γ as [| m Γ ih].
  - constructor.
  - constructor.
    + eapply sscoping_weak with (m := m) in ih. rasimpl in ih. assumption.
    + constructor. reflexivity.

Lemma sscoping_one :
   Γ u mx,
    scoping Γ u mx
    sscoping Γ u.. (mx :: Γ).
  intros Γ u mx h.
  - rasimpl. apply sscoping_ids.
  - rasimpl. assumption.

Cast removal preserves modes

Lemma scoping_castrm :
   Γ t m,
    scoping Γ t m
    scoping Γ (castrm t) m.
  intros Γ t m h.
  induction h.
  all: try solve [ simpl ; econstructor ; eauto ].
  cbn. assumption.

Lemma md_castrm :
   Γ t,
    md Γ t = md Γ (castrm t).
  intros Γ t.
  induction t in Γ |- ×.
  all: try reflexivity.
  all: try solve [ cbn ; eauto ].
  cbn. rewrite <- IHt3. destruct md. all: reflexivity.

Cast removal commutes with renamings

Lemma castrm_ren :
   t ρ,
    ε| ρ t | = ρ ε| t |.
  intros t ρ.
  induction t in ρ |- ×.
  all: try reflexivity.
  all: solve [ simpl ; rasimpl ; repeat core.unfold_funcomp ; f_equal ; auto ].

Cast removal commutes with substitution

Lemma castrm_subst :
   t σ,
    ε| t <[ σ ] | = ε| t | <[ σ >> castrm ].
  intros t σ.
  assert ( σ t,
    t <[ (var 0 .: σ >> ren1 ) >> castrm] =
    t <[ var 0 .: σ >> (castrm >> ren1 ) ]
  { intros θ u.
    apply ext_term. intros n.
    destruct n.
    - rasimpl. repeat core.unfold_funcomp. simpl. reflexivity.
    - rasimpl. repeat core.unfold_funcomp. simpl.
      apply castrm_ren.
  induction t in σ |- ×. all: try reflexivity.
  all: try solve [ rasimpl ; repeat core.unfold_funcomp ; simpl ; f_equal ; auto ].
  - rasimpl. repeat core.unfold_funcomp. simpl. f_equal. 1: auto.
    rasimpl. repeat core.unfold_funcomp. rewrite IHt2.
  - rasimpl. repeat core.unfold_funcomp. simpl. f_equal. 1: auto.
    rasimpl. repeat core.unfold_funcomp. rewrite IHt2.

Inversion for scoping

Lemma scope_app_inv :
   Γ u v m,
    scoping Γ (app u v) m
      scoping Γ u m
      scoping Γ v mx.
  intros Γ u v m h.
  inversion h. subst.
  intuition eauto.

Lemma scope_lam_inv :
   Γ mx A t m,
    scoping Γ (lam mx A t) m
    scoping Γ A mKind
    scoping (mx :: Γ) t m.
  intros Γ mx A t m h.
  inversion h. subst.
  intuition eauto.

Lemma scope_reveal_inv :
   Γ t P p m,
    scoping Γ (reveal t P p) m
    In m [ mProp ; mGhost ]
    scoping Γ t mGhost
    scoping Γ P mKind
    scoping Γ p m.
  intros Γ t P p m h.
  inversion h. subst.
  intuition eauto.

Lemma scope_Reveal_inv :
   Γ t p m,
    scoping Γ (Reveal t p) m
    scoping Γ t mGhost
    scoping Γ p mKind
    m = mKind.
  intros Γ t p m h.
  inversion h. subst.
  intuition eauto.

Lemma scope_toRev_inv :
   Γ t p u m,
    scoping Γ (toRev t p u) m
    scoping Γ t mType
    scoping Γ p mKind
    scoping Γ u mProp
    m = mProp.
  intros Γ t p u m h.
  inversion h. subst.
  intuition eauto.

Lemma scope_fromRev_inv :
   Γ t p u m,
    scoping Γ (fromRev t p u) m
    scoping Γ t mType
    scoping Γ p mKind
    scoping Γ u mProp
    m = mProp.
  intros Γ t p u m h.
  inversion h. subst.
  intuition eauto.

Lemma scope_sort_inv :
   Γ ms i m,
    scoping Γ (Sort ms i) m
    m = mKind.
  intros Γ ms i m h.
  inversion h. subst.
  intuition eauto.

Lemma scope_pi_inv :
   Γ i j mx m A B m',
    scoping Γ (Pi i j m mx A B) m'
    scoping Γ A mKind
    scoping (mx :: Γ) B mKind
    m' = mKind.
  intros Γ i j mx m A B m' h.
  inversion h. subst.
  intuition eauto.

Lemma scope_erased_inv :
   Γ A m,
    scoping Γ (Erased A) m
    scoping Γ A mKind
    m = mKind.
  intros Γ A m h.
  inversion h. subst.
  intuition eauto.

Lemma scope_hide_inv :
   Γ t m,
    scoping Γ (hide t) m
    scoping Γ t mType
    m = mGhost.
  intros Γ t m h.
  inversion h. subst.
  intuition eauto.

Lemma scope_gheq_inv :
   Γ A u v m,
    scoping Γ (gheq A u v) m
    scoping Γ A mKind
    scoping Γ u mGhost
    scoping Γ v mGhost
    m = mKind.
  intros Γ A u v m h.
  inversion h. subst.
  intuition eauto.

Lemma scope_if_inv :
   Γ m b P t f m',
    scoping Γ (tif m b P t f) m'
    scoping Γ b mType
    scoping Γ P mKind
    scoping Γ t m
    scoping Γ f m
    m' = m.
  intros Γ m b P t f m' h.
  inversion h. subst.
  intuition eauto.

Lemma scope_bot_elim_inv :
   Γ m A p m',
    scoping Γ (bot_elim m A p) m'
    scoping Γ A mKind
    scoping Γ p mProp
    m' = m.
  intros Γ m A p m' h.
  inversion h. subst.
  intuition eauto.

Ltac scoping_fun :=
  match goal with
  | h : scoping ?Γ ?t ?m, h' : scoping ?Γ ?t ?m' |- _
    assert (m = m') ; [
      eapply scoping_functional ; eassumption
    | first [ subst m' ; clear h' | subst m ; clear h ]

Scoping of top

Lemma scope_top :
    scoping Γ top mKind.
  intros Γ. constructor. all: constructor.

Conversion entails mode equality

Definition rscoping_comp (Γ : scope) ρ (Δ : scope) :=
    nth_error Δ x = None
    nth_error Γ (ρ x) = None.

Definition sscoping_comp (Γ : scope) σ (Δ : scope) :=
    nth_error Δ n = None
      σ n = var m
      nth_error Γ m = None.

Lemma sscoping_comp_shift :
   Γ Δ σ mx,
    sscoping_comp Γ σ Δ
    sscoping_comp (mx :: Γ) (up_term σ) (mx :: Δ).
  intros Γ Δ σ mx h. intros n e.
  destruct n.
  - cbn in e. discriminate.
  - cbn in e. cbn.
    eapply h in e as e'. destruct e' as [m [e1 e2]].
    unfold core.funcomp. (S m). intuition eauto.
    rewrite e1. rasimpl. reflexivity.

Lemma rscoping_comp_S :
   Γ m,
    rscoping_comp (m :: Γ) S Γ.
  intros Γ m. intros n e. cbn. assumption.

Lemma nth_nth_error :
   A (l : list A) (d : A) n,
    nth n l d = match nth_error l n with Some xx | Noned end.
  intros A l d n.
  induction l in n |- ×.
  - cbn. destruct n. all: reflexivity.
  - cbn. destruct n.
    + cbn. reflexivity.
    + cbn. apply IHl.

Lemma rscoping_comp_upren :
   Γ Δ m ρ,
    rscoping_comp Γ ρ Δ
    rscoping_comp (m :: Γ) (up_ren ρ) (m :: Δ).
  intros Γ Δ m ρ h. intros x e.
  destruct x.
  - cbn in ×. assumption.
  - cbn in ×. apply h. assumption.

Lemma md_ren :
   Γ Δ ρ t,
    rscoping Γ ρ Δ
    rscoping_comp Γ ρ Δ
    md Γ (ρ t) = md Δ t.
  intros Γ Δ ρ t hρ hcρ.
  induction t in Γ, Δ, ρ, hρ, hcρ |- ×.
  all: try reflexivity.
  all: try solve [ cbn ; eauto ].
  - cbn. rewrite 2!nth_nth_error.
    destruct (nth_error Δ n) eqn:e.
    + eapply hρ in e. rewrite e. reflexivity.
    + eapply hcρ in e. rewrite e. reflexivity.
  - cbn. eapply IHt2.
    + eapply rscoping_shift. assumption.
    + eapply rscoping_comp_upren. assumption.
  - cbn. erewrite IHt3. 2,3: eauto.

Lemma md_subst :
   Γ Δ σ t,
    sscoping Γ σ Δ
    sscoping_comp Γ σ Δ
    md Γ (t <[ σ ]) = md Δ t.
  intros Γ Δ σ t hσ hcσ.
  induction t in Γ, Δ, σ, hσ, hcσ |- ×.
  all: try reflexivity.
  all: try solve [ cbn ; eauto ].
  - cbn. rewrite nth_nth_error.
    destruct (nth_error Δ n) eqn:e.
    + clear hcσ. induction hσ as [| σ Δ mx hσ ih hm] in n, m, e |- ×.
      1: destruct n ; discriminate.
      destruct n.
      × cbn in ×. noconf e.
        erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption. reflexivity.
      × cbn in e. eapply ih. assumption.
    + eapply hcσ in e. destruct e as [m [e1 e2]].
      rewrite e1. cbn. rewrite nth_nth_error. rewrite e2. reflexivity.
  - cbn. eapply IHt2.
    + eapply sscoping_shift. assumption.
    + eapply sscoping_comp_shift. assumption.
  - cbn. erewrite IHt3. 2,3: eauto.

Lemma sscoping_comp_one :
   Γ u mx,
    sscoping_comp Γ u.. (mx :: Γ).
  intros Γ u mx. intros n e.
  destruct n.
  - cbn in e. discriminate.
  - cbn in e. cbn. eexists. intuition eauto.

Lemma conv_md :
   Γ u v,
    Γ u v
    mdc Γ u = mdc Γ v.
  intros Γ u v h.
  induction h.
  all: try solve [ cbn ; reflexivity ].
  all: try solve [ cbn ; eauto ].
  - cbn. erewrite md_subst.
    2: eapply sscoping_one ; eassumption.
    2: eapply sscoping_comp_one.
  - cbn. erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption.
    cbn in H2. destruct H2 as [| []]. 3: contradiction.
    all: subst. all: reflexivity.
  - cbn. erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption.
  - cbn. erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption.
  - cbn. erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption.
  - cbn. erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption.
  - cbn. erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption.
  - cbn. erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption.
  - cbn. rewrite IHh3. reflexivity.
  - etransitivity. all: eassumption.
  - erewrite 2!scoping_md. 2,3: eassumption.

Renaming preserves typing

Definition rtyping (Γ : context) (ρ : nat nat) (Δ : context) : Prop :=
   x m A,
    nth_error Δ x = Some (m, A)
      nth_error Γ (ρ x) = Some (m, B)
      (plus (S x) >> ρ) A = (plus (S (ρ x))) B.

#[export] Instance rtyping_morphism :
  Proper (eq ==> pointwise_relation _ eq ==> eq ==> iff) rtyping.
  intros Γ ? <- ρ ρ' e Δ ? <-.
  revert ρ ρ' e. wlog_iff. intros ρ ρ' e h.
  intros n m A en. rewrite <- e.
  eapply h in en as [B [en eB]].
  eexists. split. 1: eassumption.
  rasimpl. rasimpl in eB. rewrite <- eB.
  apply extRen_term. intro x. cbn. core.unfold_funcomp.
  rewrite <- e. reflexivity.

Lemma autosubst_simpl_rtyping :
   Γ Δ r s,
    RenSimplification r s
    rtyping Γ r Δ rtyping Γ s Δ.
  intros Γ Δ r s H.
  apply rtyping_morphism. 1,3: auto.
  apply H.

#[export] Hint Rewriteautosubst_simpl_rtyping : rasimpl_outermost.

Lemma rtyping_scoping :
   Γ Δ ρ,
    rtyping Γ ρ Δ
    rscoping (sc Γ) ρ (sc Δ).
  intros Γ Δ ρ h.
  intros n m e. unfold sc in e. rewrite nth_error_map in e.
  destruct (nth_error Δ n) as [[]|] eqn:en. 2: discriminate.
  simpl in e. inversion e. subst. clear e.
  eapply h in en. destruct en as [B [en eB]].
  unfold sc. rewrite nth_error_map.
  rewrite en. reflexivity.

Lemma rtyping_shift :
   Γ Δ mx A ρ,
    rtyping Γ ρ Δ
    rtyping (Γ ,, (mx, ρ A)) (0 .: ρ >> S) (Δ,, (mx, A)).
  intros Γ Δ mx A ρ hρ.
  intros y my B hy.
  destruct y.
  - cbn in ×. inversion hy. eexists.
    split. 1: reflexivity.
    rasimpl. reflexivity.
  - cbn in ×. eapply hρ in hy. destruct hy as [C [en eC]].
    eexists. split. 1: eassumption.
    apply (f_equal (λ t, S t)) in eC. rasimpl in eC.

Lemma rtyping_S :
   Γ m A,
    rtyping (Γ ,, (m, A)) S Γ.
  intros Γ m A. intros x mx B e.
  simpl. rasimpl.
  eexists. split. 1: eassumption.
  rasimpl. reflexivity.

Lemma rscoping_sscoping :
   Γ Δ ρ,
    rscoping Γ ρ Δ
    sscoping Γ (ρ >> var) Δ.
  intros Γ Δ ρ h.
  induction Δ as [| m Δ ih] in ρ, h |- ×.
  - constructor.
  - constructor.
    + apply ih. rasimpl.
      intros x mx e.
      apply h. cbn. assumption.
    + constructor. apply h. reflexivity.

Lemma meta_conv :
   Γ t A B,
    Γ t : A
    A = B
    Γ t : B.
  intros Γ t A B h →. assumption.

Lemma meta_conv_trans_l :
   Γ u v w,
    u = v
    Γ v w
    Γ u w.
  intros Γ ??? <- h. assumption.

Lemma meta_conv_trans_r :
   Γ u v w,
    Γ u v
    v = w
    Γ u w.
  intros Γ u v ? h <-. assumption.

Lemma meta_conv_refl :
   Γ u v,
    u = v
    Γ u v.
  intros Γ u ? <-. gconv.

Ltac scoping_ren_finish :=
  eapply scoping_ren ; [| eassumption] ;
  try apply rscoping_shift ;
  apply rtyping_scoping ; assumption.

Lemma conv_ren :
   Γ Δ ρ u v,
    rtyping Γ ρ Δ
    Δ u v
    Γ ρ u ρ v.
  intros Γ Δ ρ u v hρ h.
  induction h in Γ, ρ, hρ |- ×.
  all: try solve [ rasimpl ; econstructor ; eauto ; scoping_ren_finish ].
  - rasimpl. eapply meta_conv_trans_r. 1: econstructor.
    all: try scoping_ren_finish.
    rasimpl. reflexivity.
  - rasimpl. eapply conv_trans. 1: econstructor.
    all: try scoping_ren_finish. 1: auto.
    cbn. gconv.
    + rasimpl. gconv.
    + rasimpl. gconv.
  - constructor. all: auto.
    eapply IHh2. apply rtyping_shift. assumption.
  - rasimpl. constructor. 1: auto.
    eapply IHh2. apply rtyping_shift. assumption.

Lemma typing_ren :
   Γ Δ ρ t A,
    rtyping Γ ρ Δ
    Δ t : A
    Γ ρ t : ρ A.
  intros Γ Δ ρ t A hρ ht.
  induction ht in Γ, ρ, hρ |- ×.
  all: try solve [ rasimpl ; econstructor ; eauto ; scoping_ren_finish ].
  - rasimpl. eapply hρ in H as [B [? eB]].
    rasimpl in eB. rewrite eB.
    econstructor. eassumption.
  - rasimpl. econstructor. all: eauto. all: try scoping_ren_finish.
    eapply IHht2. eapply rtyping_shift. assumption.
  - rasimpl. econstructor. all: eauto. all: try scoping_ren_finish.
    + eapply IHht2. eapply rtyping_shift. assumption.
    + eapply IHht3. eapply rtyping_shift. assumption.
  - rasimpl. rasimpl in IHht1. rasimpl in IHht4.
    eapply meta_conv. 1: econstructor. all: eauto. all: try scoping_ren_finish.
    1:{ eapply IHht4. eapply rtyping_shift. assumption. }
    rasimpl. reflexivity.
  - rasimpl. rasimpl in IHht1. rasimpl in IHht2. rasimpl in IHht3.
    econstructor. all: eauto. all: try scoping_ren_finish.
    eapply meta_conv. 1: apply IHht3. 1: auto.
    f_equal. f_equal. rasimpl. reflexivity.
  - rasimpl. rasimpl in IHht1. rasimpl in IHht2. rasimpl in IHht3. rasimpl in IHht4.
    econstructor. all: eauto. all: scoping_ren_finish.
  - rasimpl. rasimpl in IHht1. rasimpl in IHht2. rasimpl in IHht3. rasimpl in IHht4.
    econstructor. all: eauto. all: try scoping_ren_finish.
    eapply meta_conv. 1: apply IHht4. 1: auto.
    f_equal. rasimpl. reflexivity.
  - rasimpl. rasimpl in IHht1. rasimpl in IHht2. rasimpl in IHht3. rasimpl in IHht4.
    rasimpl in IHht5. rasimpl in IHht6.
    econstructor. 8: eauto. all: eauto. all: try scoping_ren_finish.
    + eapply meta_conv. 1: eauto.
      f_equal. cbn. f_equal. f_equal. rasimpl. reflexivity.
    + eapply meta_conv. 1: eauto.
      f_equal. cbn. f_equal. rasimpl. reflexivity.
  - rasimpl. rasimpl in IHht2.
    econstructor. all: eauto. all: try scoping_ren_finish.
    rewrite 2!castrm_ren.
    eapply conv_ren. all: eassumption.

Substitution preserves typing

Inductive styping (Γ : context) (σ : nat term) : context Prop :=
| type_nil : styping Γ σ []
| type_cons :
     Δ m A,
      styping Γ ( >> σ) Δ
      cscoping Γ (σ 0) m
      Γ σ var_zero : A <[ S >> σ ]
      styping Γ σ (Δ,, (m, A)).

#[export] Instance styping_morphism :
  Proper (eq ==> pointwise_relation _ eq ==> eq ==> iff) styping.
  intros Γ ? <- σ σ' e Δ ? <-.
  revert σ σ' e. wlog_iff. intros σ σ' e h.
  induction h as [| ? ? ? ? ? ih ] in σ', e |- ×.
  - constructor.
  - constructor.
    + apply ih. intros n. apply e.
    + rewrite <- e. assumption.
    + rewrite <- e. eapply meta_conv. 1: eassumption.
      rasimpl. apply ext_term.
      intro. apply e.

Lemma autosubst_simpl_styping :
   Γ Δ r s,
    SubstSimplification r s
    styping Γ r Δ styping Γ s Δ.
  intros Γ Δ r s H.
  apply styping_morphism. 1,3: auto.
  apply H.

#[export] Hint Rewriteautosubst_simpl_styping : rasimpl_outermost.

Lemma styping_scoping :
   Γ Δ σ,
    styping Γ σ Δ
    sscoping (sc Γ) σ (sc Δ).
  intros Γ Δ σ h. induction h.
  - constructor.
  - cbn. constructor. all: assumption.

Lemma styping_weak :
   Γ Δ σ mx A,
    styping Γ σ Δ
    styping (Γ,, (mx, A)) (σ >> ren_term ) Δ.
  intros Γ Δ σ mx A h.
  induction h.
  - constructor.
  - constructor.
    + assumption.
    + eapply scoping_ren. 2: eassumption.
      apply rscoping_S.
    + rasimpl. eapply meta_conv.
      × eapply typing_ren. 2: eassumption.
        intros n ? ? e. rasimpl. cbn.
        eexists. split. 1: eassumption.
      × rasimpl. reflexivity.

Lemma styping_shift :
   Γ Δ mx A σ,
    styping Γ σ Δ
    styping (Γ ,, (mx, A <[ σ ])) (var 0 .: σ >> ren1 S) (Δ,, (mx, A)).
  intros Γ Δ mx A σ h.
  - rasimpl. apply styping_weak. assumption.
  - rasimpl. constructor. reflexivity.
  - rasimpl. eapply meta_conv.
    + econstructor. cbn. reflexivity.
    + rasimpl. reflexivity.

Lemma styping_ids :
    styping Γ ids Γ.
  intros Γ. induction Γ as [| [m A] Γ ih].
  - constructor.
  - constructor.
    + eapply styping_weak with (mx := m) (A := A) in ih.
      rasimpl in ih. assumption.
    + constructor. reflexivity.
    + eapply meta_conv. 1: econstructor.
      × cbn. reflexivity.
      × rasimpl. substify. reflexivity.

Lemma styping_one :
   Γ mx A u,
    cscoping Γ u mx
    Γ u : A
    styping Γ u.. (Γ ,, (mx, A)).
  intros Γ mx A u h hm.
  constructor. all: rasimpl. all: auto.
  apply styping_ids.

Ltac scoping_subst_finish :=
  eapply scoping_subst ; [| eassumption] ;
  try apply sscoping_shift ;
  apply styping_scoping ; assumption.

Ltac conv_subst_finish :=
  eapply scoping_subst ; [| eassumption] ;
  try apply sscoping_shift ;

Lemma conv_subst :
   Γ Δ σ u v,
    sscoping (sc Γ) σ (sc Δ)
    Δ u v
    Γ u <[ σ ] v <[ σ ].
  intros Γ Δ σ u v hσ h.
  induction h in Γ, σ, hσ |- ×.
  all: try solve [ rasimpl ; econstructor ; eauto ; conv_subst_finish ].
  - rasimpl. eapply meta_conv_trans_r. 1: econstructor.
    all: try conv_subst_finish.
    rasimpl. apply ext_term.
    intros [].
    + rasimpl. reflexivity.
    + rasimpl. reflexivity.
  - cbn. rasimpl. eapply conv_trans.
    1:{ econstructor. all: try conv_subst_finish. assumption. }
    + rasimpl. gconv.
    + apply meta_conv_refl. f_equal. rasimpl.
      eapply ext_term. intro x.
      rasimpl. cbn. rasimpl. reflexivity.
  - rasimpl. constructor. all: auto.
    eapply IHh2. cbn. apply sscoping_shift. assumption.
  - rasimpl. constructor. 1: auto.
    eapply IHh2. cbn. apply sscoping_shift. assumption.

Lemma sscoping_castrm :
   Γ σ Δ,
    sscoping Γ σ Δ
    sscoping Γ (σ >> castrm) Δ.
  intros Γ σ Δ h.
  induction h.
  - constructor.
  - constructor.
    + assumption.
    + rasimpl. eapply scoping_castrm. assumption.

Lemma typing_subst :
   Γ Δ σ t A,
    styping Γ σ Δ
    Δ t : A
    Γ t <[ σ ] : A <[ σ ].
  intros Γ Δ σ t A hσ ht.
  induction ht in Γ, σ, hσ |- ×.
  all: try solve [ rasimpl ; econstructor ; eauto ; scoping_subst_finish ].
  - rasimpl.
    induction hσ in x, H |- ×. 1: destruct x ; discriminate.
    destruct x.
    + cbn in H. inversion H. subst. assumption.
    + apply IHhσ. assumption.
  - rasimpl. econstructor. all: eauto. all: try scoping_subst_finish.
    eapply IHht2. eapply styping_shift. assumption.
  - rasimpl. econstructor. all: eauto. all: try scoping_subst_finish.
    + eapply IHht2. eapply styping_shift. assumption.
    + eapply IHht3. eapply styping_shift. assumption.
  - rasimpl. rasimpl in IHht1.
    eapply meta_conv. 1: econstructor.
    all: eauto. all: try scoping_subst_finish.
    1:{ eapply IHht4. eapply styping_shift. assumption. }
    rasimpl. apply ext_term. intros [].
    + rasimpl. reflexivity.
    + rasimpl. reflexivity.
  - rasimpl. rasimpl in IHht1. rasimpl in IHht2. rasimpl in IHht3.
    econstructor. all: eauto. all: try scoping_subst_finish.
    eapply meta_conv. 1: apply IHht3. 1: auto.
    f_equal. f_equal. rasimpl. reflexivity.
  - rasimpl. rasimpl in IHht1. rasimpl in IHht2. rasimpl in IHht3. rasimpl in IHht4.
    econstructor. all: eauto. all: scoping_subst_finish.
  - rasimpl. rasimpl in IHht1. rasimpl in IHht2. rasimpl in IHht3. rasimpl in IHht4.
    econstructor. all: eauto. all: try scoping_subst_finish.
    eapply meta_conv. 1: apply IHht4. 1: auto.
    f_equal. rasimpl. reflexivity.
  - rasimpl. rasimpl in IHht1. rasimpl in IHht2. rasimpl in IHht3. rasimpl in IHht4.
    rasimpl in IHht5. rasimpl in IHht6.
    econstructor. 8: eauto. all: eauto. all: try scoping_subst_finish.
    + eapply meta_conv. 1: eauto.
      f_equal. cbn. f_equal. f_equal. rasimpl. reflexivity.
    + eapply meta_conv. 1: eauto.
      f_equal. cbn. f_equal. rasimpl. reflexivity.
  - rasimpl. rasimpl in IHht2.
    econstructor. all: eauto. all: try scoping_subst_finish.
    rewrite 2!castrm_subst.
    eapply conv_subst. 2: eassumption.
    apply sscoping_castrm. eapply styping_scoping. assumption.

Inversion of typing

Set Equations With UIP.
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for mode.
Derive NoConfusion NoConfusionHom EqDec for term.
Derive Signature for typing.

Require Import Equations.Prop.DepElim.

Ltac destruct_exists h :=
  match type of h with
  | _, _destruct h as [? h] ; destruct_exists h
  | _idtac

Notation "Γ ⊢ u ε≡ v" :=
  (Γ ε|u| ε|v|)
  (at level 80, u, v at next level, format "Γ ⊢ u ε≡ v").

Lemma type_var_inv :
   Γ x A,
    Γ var x : A
     m B,
      nth_error Γ x = Some (m, B)
      Γ (plus (S x)) B ε A.
  intros Γ x A h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists _, _. split. 1: eassumption.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. intuition subst.
    eexists _, _. split. 1: eassumption.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_sort_inv :
   Γ m i A,
    Γ Sort m i : A
    Γ Sort mKind (usup m i) ε A.
  intros ???? h.
  dependent induction h.
  - constructor.
  - eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_pi_inv :
   Γ i j mx m A B C,
    Γ Pi i j m mx A B : C
    cscoping Γ A mKind
    cscoping (Γ ,, (mx, A)) B mKind
    Γ A : Sort mx i
    Γ ,, (mx, A) B : Sort m j
    Γ Sort m (umax mx m i j) ε C.
  intros ???????? h.
  dependent induction h.
  - intuition eauto. constructor.
  - intuition eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_lam_inv :
   Γ mx A t C,
    Γ lam mx A t : C
     i j m B,
      cscoping Γ A mKind
      cscoping (Γ ,, (mx, A)) B mKind
      cscoping (Γ ,, (mx, A)) t m
      Γ A : Sort mx i
      Γ ,, (mx, A) B : Sort m j
      Γ ,, (mx, A) t : B
      Γ Pi i j m mx A B ε C.
  intros Γ mx A t C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists _,_,_,_. intuition eauto.
    apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists _,_,_,_. intuition eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_app_inv :
   Γ t u C,
    Γ app t u : C
     mx m i j A B,
      cscoping (Γ ,, (mx, A)) B mKind
      cscoping Γ t m
      cscoping Γ u mx
      cscoping Γ A mKind
      Γ t : Pi i j m mx A B
      Γ u : A
      Γ A : Sort mx i
      Γ ,, (mx, A) B : Sort m j
      Γ B <[ u .. ] ε C.
  intros Γ t u C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists _,_,_,_,_,_. intuition eauto.
    apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists _,_,_,_,_,_. intuition eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_erased_inv :
   Γ A C,
    Γ Erased A : C
      cscoping Γ A mKind
      Γ A : Sort mType i
      Γ Sort mGhost i ε C.
  intros Γ A C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists. intuition eauto. apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists. intuition eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_hide_inv :
   Γ t C,
    Γ hide t : C
     i A,
      cscoping Γ A mKind
      cscoping Γ t mType
      Γ A : Sort mType i
      Γ t : A
      Γ Erased A ε C.
  intros Γ t C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists _,_. intuition eauto. apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists _,_. intuition eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_reveal_inv :
   Γ t P p C,
    Γ reveal t P p : C
     i j m A,
      cscoping Γ p m
      cscoping Γ t mGhost
      cscoping Γ P mKind
      cscoping Γ A mKind
      In m [ mProp ; mGhost ]
      Γ t : Erased A
      Γ P : Erased A ⇒[ i | usup m j / mGhost | mKind ] Sort m j
      Γ p : Pi i j m mType A (app (S P) (hide (var 0)))
      Γ app P t ε C.
  intros Γ t P p C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists _,_,_,_. intuition eauto. apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists _,_,_,_. intuition eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_Reveal_inv :
   Γ t p C,
    Γ Reveal t p : C
     i A,
      cscoping Γ t mGhost
      cscoping Γ p mKind
      Γ t : Erased A
      Γ p : A ⇒[ i | 0 / mType | mKind ] Sort mProp 0
      Γ A : Sort mType i
      cscoping Γ A mKind
      Γ Sort mProp 0 ε C.
  intros Γ t p C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists _,_. intuition eauto. apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists _,_. intuition eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_toRev_inv :
   Γ t p u C,
    Γ toRev t p u : C
     i A,
      cscoping Γ t mType
      cscoping Γ p mKind
      cscoping Γ u mProp
      Γ t : A
      Γ p : A ⇒[ i | 0 / mType | mKind ] Sort mProp 0
      Γ u : app p t
      Γ Reveal (hide t) p ε C.
  intros Γ t p u C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists _,_. intuition eauto. apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists _,_. intuition eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_fromRev_inv :
   Γ t p u C,
    Γ fromRev t p u : C
     i A,
      cscoping Γ t mType
      cscoping Γ p mKind
      cscoping Γ u mProp
      Γ t : A
      Γ p : A ⇒[ i | 0 / mType | mKind ] Sort mProp 0
      Γ u : Reveal (hide t) p
      Γ app p t ε C.
  intros Γ t p u C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists _,_. intuition eauto. apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists _,_. intuition eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_gheq_inv :
   Γ A u v C,
    Γ gheq A u v : C
      cscoping Γ A mKind
      cscoping Γ u mGhost
      cscoping Γ v mGhost
      Γ A : Sort mGhost i
      Γ u : A
      Γ v : A
      Γ Sort mProp 0 ε C.
  intros Γ A u v C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists. intuition eauto. apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists. intuition eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_ghrefl_inv :
   Γ A u C,
    Γ ghrefl A u : C
      cscoping Γ A mKind
      cscoping Γ u mGhost
      Γ A : Sort mGhost i
      Γ u : A
      Γ gheq A u u ε C.
  intros Γ A u C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists. intuition eauto. apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists. intuition eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_ghcast_inv :
   Γ A u v e P t C,
    Γ ghcast A u v e P t : C
     i m,
      cscoping Γ A mKind
      cscoping Γ P mKind
      cscoping Γ u mGhost
      cscoping Γ v mGhost
      cscoping Γ t m
      cscoping Γ e mProp
      m mKind
      Γ A : Sort mGhost i
      Γ u : A
      Γ v : A
      Γ e : gheq A u v
      Γ P : A ⇒[ i | usup m i / mGhost | mKind ] Sort m i
      Γ t : app P u
      Γ app P v ε C.
  intros Γ A u v e P t C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists _,_. intuition idtac. all: eauto.
    apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists _,_.
    intuition idtac. all: eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_bool_inv :
   Γ C,
    Γ tbool : C
    Γ Sort mType 0 ε C.
  intros Γ C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - apply conv_refl.
  - eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_true_inv :
   Γ C,
    Γ ttrue : C
    Γ tbool ε C.
  intros Γ C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - apply conv_refl.
  - eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_false_inv :
   Γ C,
    Γ tfalse : C
    Γ tbool ε C.
  intros Γ C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - apply conv_refl.
  - eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_if_inv :
   Γ m b P t f C,
    Γ tif m b P t f : C
      cscoping Γ b mType
      cscoping Γ P mKind
      cscoping Γ t m
      cscoping Γ f m
      Γ b : tbool
      Γ P : tbool ⇒[ 0 | usup m i / mType | mKind ] Sort m i
      Γ t : app P ttrue
      Γ f : app P tfalse
      Γ app P b ε C.
  intros Γ m b P t f C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists. intuition idtac. 1: eauto.
    apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists _.
    intuition idtac. 1: eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_nat_inv :
   Γ C,
    Γ tnat : C
    Γ Sort mType 0 ε C.
  intros Γ C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - apply conv_refl.
  - eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_zero_inv :
   Γ C,
    Γ tzero : C
    Γ tnat ε C.
  intros Γ C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - apply conv_refl.
  - eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_succ_inv :
   Γ n C,
    Γ tsucc n : C
    cscoping Γ n mType
    Γ n : tnat
    Γ tnat ε C.
  intros Γ n C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - intuition idtac. apply conv_refl.
  - intuition auto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_nat_elim_inv :
   Γ m n P z s C,
    Γ tnat_elim m n P z s : C
      m mKind
      cscoping Γ n mType
      cscoping Γ P mKind
      cscoping Γ z m
      cscoping Γ s m
      Γ n : tnat
      Γ P : tnat ⇒[ 0 | usup m i / mType | mKind ] Sort m i
      Γ z : app P tzero
      Γ s : Pi 0 i m mType tnat (app (S P) (var 0) ⇒[ i | i / m | m ] app (S P) (tsucc (var 0)))
      Γ app P n ε C.
  intros Γ m n P z s C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists. intuition idtac. 1,2: eauto.
    apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists _.
    intuition idtac. 1,2: eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_vec_inv :
   Γ A n C,
    Γ tvec A n : C
      cscoping Γ A mKind
      cscoping Γ n mGhost
      Γ A : Sort mType i
      Γ n : Erased tnat
      Γ Sort mType i ε C.
  intros Γ A n C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists. intuition eauto. apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists.
    intuition eauto. eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_vnil_inv :
   Γ A C,
    Γ tvnil A : C
      cscoping Γ A mKind
      Γ A : Sort mType i
      Γ tvec A (hide tzero) ε C.
  intros Γ A C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists. intuition eauto. apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists.
    intuition eauto. eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_vcons_inv :
   Γ a n v C,
    Γ tvcons a n v : C
     i A,
      cscoping Γ a mType
      cscoping Γ n mGhost
      cscoping Γ v mType
      Γ a : A
      Γ n : Erased tnat
      Γ v : tvec A n
      Γ A : Sort mType i
      cscoping Γ A mKind
      Γ tvec A (gS n) ε C.
  intros Γ a n v C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists _,_. intuition eauto. apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists _,_.
    intuition eauto. eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_vec_elim_inv :
   Γ m A n v P z s C,
    Γ tvec_elim m A n v P z s : C
     i j,
      m mKind
      cscoping Γ v mType
      cscoping Γ P mKind
      cscoping Γ z m
      cscoping Γ s m
      Γ v : tvec A n
      Γ P : Pi 0 (umax mType mKind i (usup m j)) mKind mGhost (Erased tnat) (
        tvec (S A) (var 0) ⇒[ i | usup m j / mType | mKind ] Sort m j
      Γ z : app (app P (hide tzero)) (tvnil A)
      Γ s : Pi i (umax mGhost m 0 (umax mType m i (umax m m j j))) m mType A (
        Pi 0 (umax mType m i (umax m m j j)) m mGhost (Erased tnat) (
          Pi i (umax m m j j) m mType (tvec (S S A) (var 0)) (
            app (app (S S S P) (var 1)) (var 0) ⇒[ j | j / m | m ]
            app (app (S S S P) (gS (var 1))) (tvcons (var 2) (var 1) (var 0))
      cscoping Γ n mGhost
      cscoping Γ A mKind
      Γ A : Sort mType i
      Γ n : Erased tnat
      Γ app (app P n) v ε C.
  intros Γ m A n v P z s C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists _,_. intuition eauto.
    apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists _,_.
    intuition eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_bot_inv :
   Γ C,
    Γ bot : C
    Γ Sort mProp 0 ε C.
  intros Γ C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - apply conv_refl.
  - eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Lemma type_bot_elim_inv :
   Γ m A p C,
    Γ bot_elim m A p : C
      cscoping Γ A mKind
      cscoping Γ p mProp
      Γ A : Sort m i
      Γ p : bot
      Γ A ε C.
  intros Γ m A p C h.
  dependent induction h.
  - eexists. intuition eauto. apply conv_refl.
  - destruct_exists IHh1. eexists. intuition eauto.
    eapply conv_trans. all: eauto.

Ltac ttinv h h' :=
  lazymatch type of h with
  | _ ?t : _
    lazymatch t with
    | var _eapply type_var_inv in h as h'
    | Sort _ _eapply type_sort_inv in h as h'
    | Pi _ _ _ _ _ _eapply type_pi_inv in h as h'
    | lam _ _ _eapply type_lam_inv in h as h'
    | app _ _eapply type_app_inv in h as h'
    | Erased _eapply type_erased_inv in h as h'
    | hide _eapply type_hide_inv in h as h'
    | reveal _ _ _eapply type_reveal_inv in h as h'
    | Reveal _ _eapply type_Reveal_inv in h as h'
    | toRev _ _ _eapply type_toRev_inv in h as h'
    | fromRev _ _ _eapply type_fromRev_inv in h as h'
    | gheq _ _ _eapply type_gheq_inv in h as h'
    | ghrefl _ _eapply type_ghrefl_inv in h as h'
    | ghcast _ _ _ _ _ _eapply type_ghcast_inv in h as h'
    | tbooleapply type_bool_inv in h as h'
    | ttrueeapply type_true_inv in h as h'
    | tfalseeapply type_false_inv in h as h'
    | tif _ _ _ _ _eapply type_if_inv in h as h'
    | tnateapply type_nat_inv in h as h'
    | tzeroeapply type_zero_inv in h as h'
    | tsucc _eapply type_succ_inv in h as h'
    | tnat_elim _ _ _ _ _eapply type_nat_elim_inv in h as h'
    | tvec _ _eapply type_vec_inv in h as h'
    | tvnil _eapply type_vnil_inv in h as h'
    | tvcons _ _ _eapply type_vcons_inv in h as h'
    | tvec_elim _ _ _ _ _ _ _eapply type_vec_elim_inv in h as h'
    | boteapply type_bot_inv in h as h'
    | bot_elim _ _ _eapply type_bot_elim_inv in h as h'

Validity (or presupposition)

Lemma validity :
   Γ t A,
    wf Γ
    Γ t : A
    cscoping Γ t (mdc Γ t)
    ( i, Γ A : Sort (mdc Γ t) i).
  intros Γ t A h.
  induction h in |- ×.
  all: try solve [
    split ; [
      cbn ; econstructor ; eauto
    | eexists ; econstructor ; eauto
  - split.
    + constructor. unfold sc. rewrite nth_error_map.
      rewrite H. cbn.
      change mType with (fst (mType, A)).
      rewrite map_nth. erewrite nth_error_nth. 2: eassumption.
    + induction as [| Γ my j B ih hB] in x, H |- ×. 1: destruct x ; discriminate.
      destruct x.
      × cbn in ×. inversion H. subst.
         j. rasimpl.
        eapply meta_conv. 1: eapply typing_ren.
        -- apply rtyping_S.
        -- eassumption.
        -- reflexivity.
      × cbn in H. eapply ih in H as [i h].
        eapply typing_ren in h. 2: eapply rtyping_S with (m := my) (A := B).
        rasimpl in h.
         i. assumption.
  - split.
    + cbn. constructor. 1,2: auto.
      apply IHh3. econstructor. all: eauto.
    + eexists. cbn. eapply meta_conv. 1: econstructor. all: auto.
      erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption.
  - split.
    + cbn. econstructor. 2: eauto.
      eapply scoping_md in H0 as e. subst.
    + forward IHh1 by auto. destruct IHh1 as [hst [l hP]].
      ttinv hP hP'.
      eexists. eapply meta_conv. 1: eapply typing_subst. 2: intuition eauto.
      × eapply styping_one. all: auto.
      × cbn. erewrite scoping_md. 1: reflexivity.
  - split.
    + cbn. erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption.
      cbn in H3. destruct H3 as [<- | [<- |]].
      × constructor. all: auto with datatypes.
      × constructor. all: auto with datatypes.
      × contradiction.
    + eexists. eapply meta_conv. 1: econstructor. 4: shelve. all: eauto.
      × rasimpl. constructor.
      × pose proof IHh2 as hP.
        forward hP by auto. destruct hP as [hsP [l hP]].
        eapply type_pi_inv in hP. intuition assumption.
      × pose proof IHh2 as hP.
        forward hP by auto. destruct hP as [hsP [l hP]].
        eapply type_pi_inv in hP. intuition assumption.
      × cbn - [mdc]. f_equal.
        cbn. erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption.
        destruct H3 as [<- | [<- |]]. 3: contradiction.
        all: reflexivity.
      Unshelve. constructor. assumption.
  - split.
    + cbn. econstructor. all: assumption.
    + forward IHh2 by auto. destruct IHh2 as [hp [j hT]].
      ttinv hT h'.
      cbn. eexists. econstructor.
      × constructor. assumption.
      × assumption.
      × econstructor. 3,4: intuition eauto. all: intuition auto.
      × eassumption.
      × intuition eauto.
      × intuition eauto.
  - split.
    + cbn. econstructor. all: assumption.
    + forward IHh2 by auto. destruct IHh2 as [hp [j hT]].
      ttinv hT h'.
      cbn. eexists. eapply meta_conv. 1: econstructor. 5-9: intuition eauto.
      all: intuition eauto.
  - split.
    + cbn. econstructor. all: eauto.
      × erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption. assumption.
      × erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption. assumption.
    + eexists. eapply meta_conv. 1: econstructor. 4: shelve.
      all: try eassumption.
      × cbn. constructor.
      × cbn. econstructor.
      × cbn - [mdc]. f_equal.
        cbn. erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption. reflexivity.
      Unshelve. assumption.
  - split.
    + cbn. econstructor. all: eauto.
    + eexists. cbn. eapply meta_conv.
      × econstructor. 5: eassumption. all: try eassumption.
        all: cbn. all: constructor.
      × reflexivity.
  - split.
    + cbn. constructor. all: eauto.
    + eexists. cbn. eapply meta_conv.
      × econstructor. 5: eassumption. all: try eassumption.
        all: cbn. all: constructor.
      × reflexivity.
  - split.
    + cbn. constructor. auto.
    + cbn. eexists. econstructor. all: gtype.
  - split.
    + cbn. gscope.
    + cbn. eexists. gtype.
      1:{ cbn. auto. }
      1: reflexivity.
      unfold gS. eapply type_conv.
        econstructor. 6: eauto. all: gtype.
        1,3,4: reflexivity.
        1: cbn ; auto.
          eapply meta_conv.
          - econstructor.
              cbn. econstructor. 6: gtype. all: gtype.
            all: gtype.
            1,2: reflexivity.
            eapply meta_conv.
            + gtype. reflexivity.
            + reflexivity.
          - reflexivity.
        cbn. eapply type_conv.
            gtype. 1: reflexivity.
            eapply meta_conv.
            - gtype. reflexivity.
            - reflexivity.
          all: gtype.
          apply conv_sym. gconv. reflexivity.
        1-3: gscope. 1,2: reflexivity.
        eapply meta_conv.
        - econstructor.
            4:{ gtype. reflexivity. }
            all: cbn. all: gtype.
          all: cbn.
          3:{ econstructor. gscope. reflexivity. }
            econstructor. 6: gtype. all: gtype.
          all: gtype.
        - reflexivity.
      4:{ cbn. gconv. eapply scoping_castrm. assumption. }
      all: gtype.
      × lazy. auto.
      × reflexivity.
  - split.
    + cbn. gscope.
    + eexists. eapply meta_conv.
      × econstructor. 6: eauto.
          eapply meta_conv.
          - econstructor. 5: eauto. all: gtype. all: try reflexivity.
            1-3: eapply scoping_ren ; cbn ; eauto using rscoping_S.
            + eapply meta_conv.
              × eapply typing_ren. 1: apply rtyping_S.
              × reflexivity.
            + eapply meta_conv.
              × gtype. reflexivity.
              × reflexivity.
          - cbn. f_equal. rasimpl. reflexivity.
        all: gtype.
      × reflexivity.
  - split.
    + cbn. constructor. all: auto.
    + eexists. cbn. eassumption.
  - split.
    + erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption. assumption.
    + eexists. erewrite scoping_md. 2: eassumption. eassumption.