(*** Potential translations from GRTT to GTT and their properties ***)
From Coq Require Import Utf8 List Bool Lia.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From GhostTT.autosubst Require Import CCAST GAST core unscoped RAsimpl CCAST_rasimpl GAST_rasimpl.
From GhostTT Require Import Util BasicAST SubstNotations ContextDecl
Scoping TermMode CastRemoval Typing BasicMetaTheory Param RTyping Admissible.
From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms Relation_Definitions.
Import ListNotations.
Import CombineNotations.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Set Equations Transparent.
Definition rmctx (Γ : context) :=
map (λ '(m, A), (m, ε|A|)) Γ.
Definition tr_ctx Γ Γ' :=
wf Γ' ∧ Γ = rmctx Γ'.
(* Notation "D ∈ ⟦ G ⟧x" :=
(tr_ctx G D)
(at level 8, G at next level). *)
Definition tr_ty t A Γ' t' A' :=
Γ' ⊢ t' : A' ∧ t = ε|t'| ∧ A = ε|A'|.
Notation "D ⊨ t : A ∈ ⟦ u : B ⟧x" :=
(tr_ty u B D t A)
(at level 8, t, A, u, B at next level).
Lemma tr_sort_eq :
∀ A Γ' A' s' m i,
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : s' ∈ ⟦ A : Sort m i ⟧x →
s' = Sort m i.
intros A Γ' A' s' m i hΓ [h [eA es]].
eapply (f_equal (λ x, mdc Γ' x)) in es as em. cbn in em.
rewrite <- md_castrm in em.
eapply validity in h as hs. 2: assumption.
destruct hs as [_ [j hs]].
destruct s'. all: try discriminate.
- cbn in es. congruence.
- cbn in em. cbn in es.
ttinv hs hT. destruct hT as [k [mx ?]]. intuition subst.
remd in em. subst. contradiction.
Lemma tr_sort_inv :
∀ A Γ' A' s' m i,
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : s' ∈ ⟦ A : Sort m i ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ A' : Sort m i ∈ ⟦ A : Sort m i ⟧x.
intros A Γ' A' s' m i hΓ hA.
eapply tr_sort_eq in hA as h. 2: assumption.
subst. assumption.
Lemma tr_bot_eq :
∀ p Γ' p' B',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ p' : B' ∈ ⟦ p : bot ⟧x →
B' = bot.
intros p Γ' p' B' hΓ [h [ep ebot]].
eapply (f_equal (λ x, mdc Γ' x)) in ebot as em. cbn in em.
rewrite <- md_castrm in em.
eapply validity in h as hbot. 2: assumption.
destruct hbot as [_ [i hbot]].
destruct B'. all: try discriminate.
- cbn in em. cbn in ebot.
ttinv hbot hT. destruct hT as [k [mx ?]]. intuition subst.
remd in em. subst. contradiction.
- reflexivity.
Lemma tr_cons :
∀ Γ mx A Γ' A' i,
tr_ctx Γ Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : Sort mx i ∈ ⟦ A : Sort mx i ⟧x →
tr_ctx (Γ,, (mx, A)) (Γ',, (mx, A')).
intros Γ mx A Γ' A' i [hΓ eΓ] [hA eA].
- eapply wf_cons. all: eassumption.
- cbn. intuition subst. reflexivity.
Lemma sc_rmctx :
∀ Γ, sc (rmctx Γ) = sc Γ.
intros Γ.
unfold sc, rmctx. rewrite map_map. apply map_ext.
intros [m A]. reflexivity.
Lemma tr_scoping :
∀ m Γ' t' A',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊢ t' : A' →
cscoping (rmctx Γ') ε|t'| m →
cscoping Γ' t' m.
intros m Γ' t' A' hΓ ht htm.
rewrite sc_rmctx in htm.
eapply validity in ht as vt. 2: assumption.
destruct vt as [hst _]. eapply scoping_castrm in hst as hst'.
scoping_fun. assumption.
Lemma tr_choice :
∀ Γ t A Γ' t' A' A'' m i,
tr_ctx Γ Γ' →
cscoping Γ t m →
Γ' ⊨ t' : A' ∈ ⟦ t : A ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ A'' : Sort m i ∈ ⟦ A : Sort m i ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ t' : A'' ∈ ⟦ t : A ⟧x.
intros Γ t A Γ' t' A' A'' m i hΓ hmt ht hA.
destruct hΓ as [hΓ eΓ].
destruct ht as [ht [et eA]].
destruct hA as [hA [eA' _]].
unfold tr_ty. intuition auto.
eapply type_conv. all: eauto.
- subst. eapply tr_scoping. all: eauto.
- rewrite <- eA. rewrite <- eA'. apply conv_refl.
From Coq Require Import Utf8 List Bool Lia.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From GhostTT.autosubst Require Import CCAST GAST core unscoped RAsimpl CCAST_rasimpl GAST_rasimpl.
From GhostTT Require Import Util BasicAST SubstNotations ContextDecl
Scoping TermMode CastRemoval Typing BasicMetaTheory Param RTyping Admissible.
From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms Relation_Definitions.
Import ListNotations.
Import CombineNotations.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Set Equations Transparent.
Definition rmctx (Γ : context) :=
map (λ '(m, A), (m, ε|A|)) Γ.
Definition tr_ctx Γ Γ' :=
wf Γ' ∧ Γ = rmctx Γ'.
(* Notation "D ∈ ⟦ G ⟧x" :=
(tr_ctx G D)
(at level 8, G at next level). *)
Definition tr_ty t A Γ' t' A' :=
Γ' ⊢ t' : A' ∧ t = ε|t'| ∧ A = ε|A'|.
Notation "D ⊨ t : A ∈ ⟦ u : B ⟧x" :=
(tr_ty u B D t A)
(at level 8, t, A, u, B at next level).
Lemma tr_sort_eq :
∀ A Γ' A' s' m i,
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : s' ∈ ⟦ A : Sort m i ⟧x →
s' = Sort m i.
intros A Γ' A' s' m i hΓ [h [eA es]].
eapply (f_equal (λ x, mdc Γ' x)) in es as em. cbn in em.
rewrite <- md_castrm in em.
eapply validity in h as hs. 2: assumption.
destruct hs as [_ [j hs]].
destruct s'. all: try discriminate.
- cbn in es. congruence.
- cbn in em. cbn in es.
ttinv hs hT. destruct hT as [k [mx ?]]. intuition subst.
remd in em. subst. contradiction.
Lemma tr_sort_inv :
∀ A Γ' A' s' m i,
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : s' ∈ ⟦ A : Sort m i ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ A' : Sort m i ∈ ⟦ A : Sort m i ⟧x.
intros A Γ' A' s' m i hΓ hA.
eapply tr_sort_eq in hA as h. 2: assumption.
subst. assumption.
Lemma tr_bot_eq :
∀ p Γ' p' B',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ p' : B' ∈ ⟦ p : bot ⟧x →
B' = bot.
intros p Γ' p' B' hΓ [h [ep ebot]].
eapply (f_equal (λ x, mdc Γ' x)) in ebot as em. cbn in em.
rewrite <- md_castrm in em.
eapply validity in h as hbot. 2: assumption.
destruct hbot as [_ [i hbot]].
destruct B'. all: try discriminate.
- cbn in em. cbn in ebot.
ttinv hbot hT. destruct hT as [k [mx ?]]. intuition subst.
remd in em. subst. contradiction.
- reflexivity.
Lemma tr_cons :
∀ Γ mx A Γ' A' i,
tr_ctx Γ Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : Sort mx i ∈ ⟦ A : Sort mx i ⟧x →
tr_ctx (Γ,, (mx, A)) (Γ',, (mx, A')).
intros Γ mx A Γ' A' i [hΓ eΓ] [hA eA].
- eapply wf_cons. all: eassumption.
- cbn. intuition subst. reflexivity.
Lemma sc_rmctx :
∀ Γ, sc (rmctx Γ) = sc Γ.
intros Γ.
unfold sc, rmctx. rewrite map_map. apply map_ext.
intros [m A]. reflexivity.
Lemma tr_scoping :
∀ m Γ' t' A',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊢ t' : A' →
cscoping (rmctx Γ') ε|t'| m →
cscoping Γ' t' m.
intros m Γ' t' A' hΓ ht htm.
rewrite sc_rmctx in htm.
eapply validity in ht as vt. 2: assumption.
destruct vt as [hst _]. eapply scoping_castrm in hst as hst'.
scoping_fun. assumption.
Lemma tr_choice :
∀ Γ t A Γ' t' A' A'' m i,
tr_ctx Γ Γ' →
cscoping Γ t m →
Γ' ⊨ t' : A' ∈ ⟦ t : A ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ A'' : Sort m i ∈ ⟦ A : Sort m i ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ t' : A'' ∈ ⟦ t : A ⟧x.
intros Γ t A Γ' t' A' A'' m i hΓ hmt ht hA.
destruct hΓ as [hΓ eΓ].
destruct ht as [ht [et eA]].
destruct hA as [hA [eA' _]].
unfold tr_ty. intuition auto.
eapply type_conv. all: eauto.
- subst. eapply tr_scoping. all: eauto.
- rewrite <- eA. rewrite <- eA'. apply conv_refl.