(*** Translation from GRTT to GTT ***)
From Coq Require Import Utf8 List Bool Lia.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From GhostTT.autosubst Require Import CCAST GAST core unscoped RAsimpl CCAST_rasimpl GAST_rasimpl.
From GhostTT Require Import Util BasicAST SubstNotations ContextDecl
Scoping TermMode CastRemoval Typing BasicMetaTheory Admissible RTyping
Potential Model.
From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms Relation_Definitions.
Import ListNotations.
Import CombineNotations.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Set Equations Transparent.
Lemma tr_pi :
∀ i j m mx A B Γ' A' B',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : Sort mx i ∈ ⟦ A : Sort mx i ⟧x →
(Γ',, (mx,A')) ⊨ B' : Sort m j ∈ ⟦ B : Sort m j ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ (Pi i j m mx A' B') : (Sort m (umax mx m i j)) ∈
⟦ (Pi i j m mx A B) : (Sort m (umax mx m i j)) ⟧x.
intros i j m mx A B Γ' A' B' hΓ hA hB.
unfold tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
- eapply type_pi. all: eassumption.
- cbn. intuition reflexivity.
Lemma tr_bot :
∀ Γ', Γ' ⊨ bot : (Sort mProp 0) ∈ ⟦ bot : (Sort mProp 0) ⟧x.
intros Γ'.
- eapply type_bot.
- cbn. intuition reflexivity.
Lemma tr_erased :
∀ A i Γ' A',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : (Sort mType i) ∈ ⟦ A : (Sort mType i) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ (Erased A') : (Sort mGhost i) ∈ ⟦ (Erased A) : (Sort mGhost i) ⟧x.
intros A i Γ' A' hΓ h.
unfold tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
- eapply type_erased. all: eassumption.
- cbn. intuition reflexivity.
Lemma tr_sort :
∀ Γ' m i,
Γ' ⊨ (Sort m i) : (Sort mKind (usup m i)) ∈
⟦ (Sort m i) : (Sort mKind (usup m i)) ⟧x.
intros Γ' m i.
- eapply type_sort.
- intuition reflexivity.
Lemma tr_sort_lax :
∀ Γ' m i j,
j = usup m i →
Γ' ⊨ (Sort m i) : (Sort mKind j) ∈
⟦ (Sort m i) : (Sort mKind j) ⟧x.
intros Γ' m i ? →.
apply tr_sort.
Lemma tr_app :
∀ i j m mx A B t u Γ' A' B' t' u',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ t' : (Pi i j m mx A' B') ∈ ⟦ t : (Pi i j m mx A B) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ u' : A' ∈ ⟦ u : A ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ (app t' u') : (B' <[ u' .. ]) ∈ ⟦ (app t u) : (B <[ u .. ]) ⟧x.
intros i j m mx A B t u Γ' A' B' t' u' hΓ ht hu.
destruct ht as [ht [et ePi]]. cbn in ePi. inversion ePi.
destruct hu. intuition subst.
+ eapply type_app. all: eassumption.
+ intuition eauto. rewrite castrm_subst. ssimpl. reflexivity.
Lemma tr_app_lax :
∀ i j m mx A B t u Γ' A' B' t' u' C C',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ t' : (Pi i j m mx A' B') ∈ ⟦ t : (Pi i j m mx A B) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ u' : A' ∈ ⟦ u : A ⟧x →
C = B <[ u .. ] →
C' = B' <[ u' .. ] →
Γ' ⊨ (app t' u') : C' ∈ ⟦ (app t u) : C ⟧x.
intros i j m mx A B t u Γ' A' B' t' u' ? ? hΓ ht hu → →.
eapply tr_app. all: eassumption.
Lemma tr_ren :
∀ Γ Δ t A t' A' ρ,
rtyping Δ ρ Γ →
Γ ⊨ t' : A' ∈ ⟦ t : A ⟧x →
Δ ⊨ (ρ ⋅ t') : (ρ ⋅ A') ∈ ⟦ (ρ ⋅ t) : (ρ ⋅ A) ⟧x.
intros Γ Δ t A t' A' ρ hρ [ht [-> ->]].
- eapply typing_ren. all: eassumption.
- rewrite !castrm_ren. intuition reflexivity.
Lemma tr_ren_lax :
∀ Γ Δ t A t' A' ρ rA rA',
rtyping Δ ρ Γ →
Γ ⊨ t' : A' ∈ ⟦ t : A ⟧x →
rA = ρ ⋅ A →
rA' = ρ ⋅ A' →
Δ ⊨ (ρ ⋅ t') : rA' ∈ ⟦ (ρ ⋅ t) : rA ⟧x.
intros Γ Δ t A t' A' ρ ?? hρ ht → →.
eapply tr_ren. all: eassumption.
Lemma tr_hide :
∀ i A t Γ' A' t',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : (Sort mType i) ∈ ⟦ A : (Sort mType i) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ t' : A' ∈ ⟦ t : A ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ (hide t') : (Erased A') ∈ ⟦ (hide t) : (Erased A) ⟧x.
intros i A t Γ' A' t' hΓ hA ht.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst. 2,3: reflexivity.
eapply type_hide. all: eassumption.
Lemma tr_var :
∀ Γ' x m A A',
nth_error Γ' x = Some (m, A') →
A = plus (S x) ⋅ ε| A'| →
Γ' ⊨ (var x) : (plus (S x) ⋅ A') ∈ ⟦ (var x) : A ⟧x.
intros Γ' x m A A' hx →.
- econstructor. eassumption.
- intuition eauto.
rewrite castrm_ren. reflexivity.
Lemma tr_Reveal :
∀ i A t p Γ' A' t' p',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : (Sort mType i) ∈ ⟦ A : (Sort mType i) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ t' : (Erased A') ∈ ⟦ t : (Erased A) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ p' : (Pi i 0 mKind mType A' (Sort mProp 0)) ∈
⟦ p : (A ⇒[ i | 0 / mType | mKind] Sort mProp 0) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ (Reveal t' p') : (Sort mProp 0) ∈ ⟦ (Reveal t p) : (Sort mProp 0) ⟧x.
intros i A t p Γ' A' t' p' hΓ hA ht hp.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
- eapply type_Reveal. all: eassumption.
- cbn. intuition reflexivity.
Lemma tr_gheq :
∀ i A u v Γ' A' u' v',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : (Sort mGhost i) ∈ ⟦ A : (Sort mGhost i) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ u' : A' ∈ ⟦ u : A ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ v' : A' ∈ ⟦ v : A ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ (gheq A' u' v') : (Sort mProp 0) ∈ ⟦ (gheq A u v) : (Sort mProp 0) ⟧x.
intros i A u v Γ' A' u' v' hΓ hA hu hv.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
- eapply type_gheq. all: eassumption.
- cbn. reflexivity.
Theorem elim_reflection :
∀ Γ t A Γ',
Γ ⊢ˣ t : A →
tr_ctx Γ Γ' →
∑ t' A', Γ' ⊨ t' : A' ∈ ⟦ t : A ⟧x.
intros Γ t A Γ' h hctx.
induction h in Γ', hctx |- ×.
- destruct hctx as [hΓ ->].
unfold rmctx in e. rewrite nth_error_map in e.
destruct nth_error as [[m' B] |] eqn:e'. 2: discriminate.
cbn in e. noconf e.
eexists (var x), _. eapply tr_var. all: eauto.
- eexists (Sort m i), _. split.
+ constructor.
+ intuition reflexivity.
- specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
eapply tr_cons in hA as hext. 2: eassumption.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hext). destruct IHh2 as [B' [s'' hB]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hB. 2: apply hext.
destruct hctx.
eexists (Pi i j m mx A' B'), _.
eapply tr_pi. all: eassumption.
- specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
eapply tr_cons in hA as hext. 2: eassumption.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hext). destruct IHh2 as [B' [s'' hB]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hB. 2: apply hext.
specialize IHh3 with (1 := hext). destruct IHh3 as [t' [B'' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2-4: eassumption.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists (lam mx A' t'), _. split.
+ eapply type_lam. all: eauto.
+ cbn. intuition reflexivity.
- specialize IHh3 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh3 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
eapply tr_cons in hA as hext. 2: eassumption.
specialize IHh4 with (1 := hext). destruct IHh4 as [B' [s'' hB]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hB. 2: apply hext.
eapply tr_pi in hB as hPi. 2: apply hctx. 2: eassumption.
specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [t' [P' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2-4: eassumption.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [u' [A'' hu]].
eapply tr_choice in hu. 2-4: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eexists (app t' u'), _. eapply tr_app. all: eauto.
- specialize IHh with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
destruct hctx.
eexists (Erased A'), _. eapply tr_erased. all: eassumption.
- specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [t' [A'' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2-4: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eexists (hide t'), _. eapply tr_hide. all: eassumption.
- specialize IHh4 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh4 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [t' [E' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2: apply hctx. 2: eassumption.
2:{ destruct hctx. eapply tr_erased. all: eassumption. }
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [P' [T' hP]].
eapply tr_choice in hP. 2: apply hctx. 2: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_pi.
- assumption.
- eapply tr_erased. all: eassumption.
- cbn. eapply tr_sort.
eapply tr_cons in hA as hext. 2: eassumption.
specialize IHh3 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh3 as [p' [Pi' hp]].
eapply tr_choice in hp. 2: apply hctx. 2: eassumption.
destruct hctx, hext.
eapply tr_pi.
- assumption.
- eassumption.
- eapply tr_app_lax.
+ eassumption.
+ eapply tr_ren_lax. 1: eapply rtyping_S.
1: eassumption.
all: cbn. all: reflexivity.
+ eapply tr_hide.
× assumption.
× eapply tr_ren_lax. 1: eapply rtyping_S.
1: eassumption.
all: reflexivity.
× eapply tr_var. 1: reflexivity.
cbn. destruct hA. intuition subst. reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists (reveal t' P' p'), _. split.
+ eapply type_reveal. all: eauto.
+ cbn. intuition reflexivity.
- specialize IHh3 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh3 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [t' [E' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2,3: eassumption.
2:{ destruct hctx. eapply tr_erased. all: eauto. }
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [p' [T' hp]].
eapply tr_choice in hp. 2,3: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_pi.
- assumption.
- eassumption.
- cbn. eapply tr_sort.
destruct hctx.
eexists (Reveal t' p'), _. eapply tr_Reveal. all: eassumption.
- specialize IHh4 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh4 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [t' [A'' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2-4: eassumption.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [p' [T' hp]].
eapply tr_choice in hp. 2,3: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_pi.
- assumption.
- eassumption.
- cbn. eapply tr_sort.
specialize IHh3 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh3 as [u' [P' hu]].
eapply tr_choice in hu. 2,3: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_app_lax.
- assumption.
- eassumption.
- eassumption.
- cbn. reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists (toRev t' p' u'), _. split.
+ eapply type_toRev. all: eauto.
+ cbn. intuition reflexivity.
- specialize IHh4 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh4 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [t' [A'' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2-4: eassumption.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [p' [T' hp]].
eapply tr_choice in hp. 2,3: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_pi.
- assumption.
- eassumption.
- cbn. eapply tr_sort.
specialize IHh3 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh3 as [u' [P' hu]].
eapply tr_choice in hu. 2,3: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_Reveal. all: eauto.
eapply tr_hide. all: eauto.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists (fromRev t' p' u'), _. split.
+ eapply type_fromRev. all: eauto.
+ cbn. intuition reflexivity.
- specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [u' [A'' hu]].
eapply tr_choice in hu. 2-4: eassumption.
specialize IHh3 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh3 as [v' [A''' hv]].
eapply tr_choice in hv. 2-4: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eexists (gheq A' u' v'), _. eapply tr_gheq. all: eassumption.
- specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [u' [A'' hu]].
eapply tr_choice in hu. 2-4: eassumption.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists (ghrefl A' u'), _. split.
+ eapply type_ghrefl. all: eassumption.
+ cbn. intuition reflexivity.
- eexists bot, _. apply tr_bot.
- specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [p' [b' hp]].
eapply tr_choice in hp. 2: apply hctx. 2: eassumption. 2: apply tr_bot.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists (bot_elim m A' p'), _. split.
+ eapply type_bot_elim. all: eauto.
+ cbn. intuition reflexivity.
- specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [B' [s' hB]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hB. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [t' [A' ht]].
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists t', _. split.
+ eapply type_conv. all: eauto.
× eapply tr_scoping. all: eassumption.
× eapply conv_upto. 1: eassumption.
apply sc_rmctx.
+ intuition reflexivity.
- specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [u' [A'' hu]].
eapply tr_choice in hu. 2-4: eassumption.
specialize IHh3 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh3 as [v' [A''' hv]].
eapply tr_choice in hv. 2-4: eassumption.
specialize IHh4 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh4 as [e' [E' he]].
eapply tr_choice in he. 2,3: eassumption.
2:{ destruct hctx. eapply tr_gheq. all: eassumption. }
specialize IHh5 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh5 as [P' [T' hP]].
eapply tr_choice in hP. 2,3: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_pi. all: eauto.
cbn. eapply tr_sort.
specialize IHh6 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh6 as [t' [T'' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2,3: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_app_lax. all: eauto. all: reflexivity.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists (ghcast A' u' v' e' P' t'), _. split.
+ eapply type_ghcast. all: eassumption.
+ cbn. intuition reflexivity.
Corollary elim_ctx :
∀ Γ,
rwf Γ →
∑ Γ', tr_ctx Γ Γ'.
intros Γ hΓ.
induction hΓ as [| Γ m i A hΓ ih hsA hA].
- ∃ []. split. all: constructor.
- destruct ih as [Γ' h'].
eapply elim_reflection in hA as hA'. 2: eassumption.
destruct hA' as [A' [s' hA']].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA'. 2: apply h'.
eexists. eapply tr_cons. all: eassumption.
From Coq Require Import Utf8 List Bool Lia.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From GhostTT.autosubst Require Import CCAST GAST core unscoped RAsimpl CCAST_rasimpl GAST_rasimpl.
From GhostTT Require Import Util BasicAST SubstNotations ContextDecl
Scoping TermMode CastRemoval Typing BasicMetaTheory Admissible RTyping
Potential Model.
From Coq Require Import Setoid Morphisms Relation_Definitions.
Import ListNotations.
Import CombineNotations.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Set Equations Transparent.
Lemma tr_pi :
∀ i j m mx A B Γ' A' B',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : Sort mx i ∈ ⟦ A : Sort mx i ⟧x →
(Γ',, (mx,A')) ⊨ B' : Sort m j ∈ ⟦ B : Sort m j ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ (Pi i j m mx A' B') : (Sort m (umax mx m i j)) ∈
⟦ (Pi i j m mx A B) : (Sort m (umax mx m i j)) ⟧x.
intros i j m mx A B Γ' A' B' hΓ hA hB.
unfold tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
- eapply type_pi. all: eassumption.
- cbn. intuition reflexivity.
Lemma tr_bot :
∀ Γ', Γ' ⊨ bot : (Sort mProp 0) ∈ ⟦ bot : (Sort mProp 0) ⟧x.
intros Γ'.
- eapply type_bot.
- cbn. intuition reflexivity.
Lemma tr_erased :
∀ A i Γ' A',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : (Sort mType i) ∈ ⟦ A : (Sort mType i) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ (Erased A') : (Sort mGhost i) ∈ ⟦ (Erased A) : (Sort mGhost i) ⟧x.
intros A i Γ' A' hΓ h.
unfold tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
- eapply type_erased. all: eassumption.
- cbn. intuition reflexivity.
Lemma tr_sort :
∀ Γ' m i,
Γ' ⊨ (Sort m i) : (Sort mKind (usup m i)) ∈
⟦ (Sort m i) : (Sort mKind (usup m i)) ⟧x.
intros Γ' m i.
- eapply type_sort.
- intuition reflexivity.
Lemma tr_sort_lax :
∀ Γ' m i j,
j = usup m i →
Γ' ⊨ (Sort m i) : (Sort mKind j) ∈
⟦ (Sort m i) : (Sort mKind j) ⟧x.
intros Γ' m i ? →.
apply tr_sort.
Lemma tr_app :
∀ i j m mx A B t u Γ' A' B' t' u',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ t' : (Pi i j m mx A' B') ∈ ⟦ t : (Pi i j m mx A B) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ u' : A' ∈ ⟦ u : A ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ (app t' u') : (B' <[ u' .. ]) ∈ ⟦ (app t u) : (B <[ u .. ]) ⟧x.
intros i j m mx A B t u Γ' A' B' t' u' hΓ ht hu.
destruct ht as [ht [et ePi]]. cbn in ePi. inversion ePi.
destruct hu. intuition subst.
+ eapply type_app. all: eassumption.
+ intuition eauto. rewrite castrm_subst. ssimpl. reflexivity.
Lemma tr_app_lax :
∀ i j m mx A B t u Γ' A' B' t' u' C C',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ t' : (Pi i j m mx A' B') ∈ ⟦ t : (Pi i j m mx A B) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ u' : A' ∈ ⟦ u : A ⟧x →
C = B <[ u .. ] →
C' = B' <[ u' .. ] →
Γ' ⊨ (app t' u') : C' ∈ ⟦ (app t u) : C ⟧x.
intros i j m mx A B t u Γ' A' B' t' u' ? ? hΓ ht hu → →.
eapply tr_app. all: eassumption.
Lemma tr_ren :
∀ Γ Δ t A t' A' ρ,
rtyping Δ ρ Γ →
Γ ⊨ t' : A' ∈ ⟦ t : A ⟧x →
Δ ⊨ (ρ ⋅ t') : (ρ ⋅ A') ∈ ⟦ (ρ ⋅ t) : (ρ ⋅ A) ⟧x.
intros Γ Δ t A t' A' ρ hρ [ht [-> ->]].
- eapply typing_ren. all: eassumption.
- rewrite !castrm_ren. intuition reflexivity.
Lemma tr_ren_lax :
∀ Γ Δ t A t' A' ρ rA rA',
rtyping Δ ρ Γ →
Γ ⊨ t' : A' ∈ ⟦ t : A ⟧x →
rA = ρ ⋅ A →
rA' = ρ ⋅ A' →
Δ ⊨ (ρ ⋅ t') : rA' ∈ ⟦ (ρ ⋅ t) : rA ⟧x.
intros Γ Δ t A t' A' ρ ?? hρ ht → →.
eapply tr_ren. all: eassumption.
Lemma tr_hide :
∀ i A t Γ' A' t',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : (Sort mType i) ∈ ⟦ A : (Sort mType i) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ t' : A' ∈ ⟦ t : A ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ (hide t') : (Erased A') ∈ ⟦ (hide t) : (Erased A) ⟧x.
intros i A t Γ' A' t' hΓ hA ht.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst. 2,3: reflexivity.
eapply type_hide. all: eassumption.
Lemma tr_var :
∀ Γ' x m A A',
nth_error Γ' x = Some (m, A') →
A = plus (S x) ⋅ ε| A'| →
Γ' ⊨ (var x) : (plus (S x) ⋅ A') ∈ ⟦ (var x) : A ⟧x.
intros Γ' x m A A' hx →.
- econstructor. eassumption.
- intuition eauto.
rewrite castrm_ren. reflexivity.
Lemma tr_Reveal :
∀ i A t p Γ' A' t' p',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : (Sort mType i) ∈ ⟦ A : (Sort mType i) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ t' : (Erased A') ∈ ⟦ t : (Erased A) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ p' : (Pi i 0 mKind mType A' (Sort mProp 0)) ∈
⟦ p : (A ⇒[ i | 0 / mType | mKind] Sort mProp 0) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ (Reveal t' p') : (Sort mProp 0) ∈ ⟦ (Reveal t p) : (Sort mProp 0) ⟧x.
intros i A t p Γ' A' t' p' hΓ hA ht hp.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
- eapply type_Reveal. all: eassumption.
- cbn. intuition reflexivity.
Lemma tr_gheq :
∀ i A u v Γ' A' u' v',
wf Γ' →
Γ' ⊨ A' : (Sort mGhost i) ∈ ⟦ A : (Sort mGhost i) ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ u' : A' ∈ ⟦ u : A ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ v' : A' ∈ ⟦ v : A ⟧x →
Γ' ⊨ (gheq A' u' v') : (Sort mProp 0) ∈ ⟦ (gheq A u v) : (Sort mProp 0) ⟧x.
intros i A u v Γ' A' u' v' hΓ hA hu hv.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
- eapply type_gheq. all: eassumption.
- cbn. reflexivity.
Theorem elim_reflection :
∀ Γ t A Γ',
Γ ⊢ˣ t : A →
tr_ctx Γ Γ' →
∑ t' A', Γ' ⊨ t' : A' ∈ ⟦ t : A ⟧x.
intros Γ t A Γ' h hctx.
induction h in Γ', hctx |- ×.
- destruct hctx as [hΓ ->].
unfold rmctx in e. rewrite nth_error_map in e.
destruct nth_error as [[m' B] |] eqn:e'. 2: discriminate.
cbn in e. noconf e.
eexists (var x), _. eapply tr_var. all: eauto.
- eexists (Sort m i), _. split.
+ constructor.
+ intuition reflexivity.
- specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
eapply tr_cons in hA as hext. 2: eassumption.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hext). destruct IHh2 as [B' [s'' hB]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hB. 2: apply hext.
destruct hctx.
eexists (Pi i j m mx A' B'), _.
eapply tr_pi. all: eassumption.
- specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
eapply tr_cons in hA as hext. 2: eassumption.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hext). destruct IHh2 as [B' [s'' hB]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hB. 2: apply hext.
specialize IHh3 with (1 := hext). destruct IHh3 as [t' [B'' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2-4: eassumption.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists (lam mx A' t'), _. split.
+ eapply type_lam. all: eauto.
+ cbn. intuition reflexivity.
- specialize IHh3 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh3 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
eapply tr_cons in hA as hext. 2: eassumption.
specialize IHh4 with (1 := hext). destruct IHh4 as [B' [s'' hB]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hB. 2: apply hext.
eapply tr_pi in hB as hPi. 2: apply hctx. 2: eassumption.
specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [t' [P' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2-4: eassumption.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [u' [A'' hu]].
eapply tr_choice in hu. 2-4: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eexists (app t' u'), _. eapply tr_app. all: eauto.
- specialize IHh with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
destruct hctx.
eexists (Erased A'), _. eapply tr_erased. all: eassumption.
- specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [t' [A'' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2-4: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eexists (hide t'), _. eapply tr_hide. all: eassumption.
- specialize IHh4 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh4 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [t' [E' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2: apply hctx. 2: eassumption.
2:{ destruct hctx. eapply tr_erased. all: eassumption. }
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [P' [T' hP]].
eapply tr_choice in hP. 2: apply hctx. 2: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_pi.
- assumption.
- eapply tr_erased. all: eassumption.
- cbn. eapply tr_sort.
eapply tr_cons in hA as hext. 2: eassumption.
specialize IHh3 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh3 as [p' [Pi' hp]].
eapply tr_choice in hp. 2: apply hctx. 2: eassumption.
destruct hctx, hext.
eapply tr_pi.
- assumption.
- eassumption.
- eapply tr_app_lax.
+ eassumption.
+ eapply tr_ren_lax. 1: eapply rtyping_S.
1: eassumption.
all: cbn. all: reflexivity.
+ eapply tr_hide.
× assumption.
× eapply tr_ren_lax. 1: eapply rtyping_S.
1: eassumption.
all: reflexivity.
× eapply tr_var. 1: reflexivity.
cbn. destruct hA. intuition subst. reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists (reveal t' P' p'), _. split.
+ eapply type_reveal. all: eauto.
+ cbn. intuition reflexivity.
- specialize IHh3 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh3 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [t' [E' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2,3: eassumption.
2:{ destruct hctx. eapply tr_erased. all: eauto. }
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [p' [T' hp]].
eapply tr_choice in hp. 2,3: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_pi.
- assumption.
- eassumption.
- cbn. eapply tr_sort.
destruct hctx.
eexists (Reveal t' p'), _. eapply tr_Reveal. all: eassumption.
- specialize IHh4 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh4 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [t' [A'' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2-4: eassumption.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [p' [T' hp]].
eapply tr_choice in hp. 2,3: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_pi.
- assumption.
- eassumption.
- cbn. eapply tr_sort.
specialize IHh3 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh3 as [u' [P' hu]].
eapply tr_choice in hu. 2,3: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_app_lax.
- assumption.
- eassumption.
- eassumption.
- cbn. reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists (toRev t' p' u'), _. split.
+ eapply type_toRev. all: eauto.
+ cbn. intuition reflexivity.
- specialize IHh4 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh4 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [t' [A'' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2-4: eassumption.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [p' [T' hp]].
eapply tr_choice in hp. 2,3: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_pi.
- assumption.
- eassumption.
- cbn. eapply tr_sort.
specialize IHh3 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh3 as [u' [P' hu]].
eapply tr_choice in hu. 2,3: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_Reveal. all: eauto.
eapply tr_hide. all: eauto.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists (fromRev t' p' u'), _. split.
+ eapply type_fromRev. all: eauto.
+ cbn. intuition reflexivity.
- specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [u' [A'' hu]].
eapply tr_choice in hu. 2-4: eassumption.
specialize IHh3 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh3 as [v' [A''' hv]].
eapply tr_choice in hv. 2-4: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eexists (gheq A' u' v'), _. eapply tr_gheq. all: eassumption.
- specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [u' [A'' hu]].
eapply tr_choice in hu. 2-4: eassumption.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists (ghrefl A' u'), _. split.
+ eapply type_ghrefl. all: eassumption.
+ cbn. intuition reflexivity.
- eexists bot, _. apply tr_bot.
- specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [p' [b' hp]].
eapply tr_choice in hp. 2: apply hctx. 2: eassumption. 2: apply tr_bot.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists (bot_elim m A' p'), _. split.
+ eapply type_bot_elim. all: eauto.
+ cbn. intuition reflexivity.
- specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [B' [s' hB]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hB. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [t' [A' ht]].
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists t', _. split.
+ eapply type_conv. all: eauto.
× eapply tr_scoping. all: eassumption.
× eapply conv_upto. 1: eassumption.
apply sc_rmctx.
+ intuition reflexivity.
- specialize IHh1 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh1 as [A' [s' hA]].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA. 2: apply hctx.
specialize IHh2 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh2 as [u' [A'' hu]].
eapply tr_choice in hu. 2-4: eassumption.
specialize IHh3 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh3 as [v' [A''' hv]].
eapply tr_choice in hv. 2-4: eassumption.
specialize IHh4 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh4 as [e' [E' he]].
eapply tr_choice in he. 2,3: eassumption.
2:{ destruct hctx. eapply tr_gheq. all: eassumption. }
specialize IHh5 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh5 as [P' [T' hP]].
eapply tr_choice in hP. 2,3: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_pi. all: eauto.
cbn. eapply tr_sort.
specialize IHh6 with (1 := hctx). destruct IHh6 as [t' [T'' ht]].
eapply tr_choice in ht. 2,3: eassumption.
destruct hctx.
eapply tr_app_lax. all: eauto. all: reflexivity.
unfold tr_ctx, tr_ty in ×. intuition subst.
eexists (ghcast A' u' v' e' P' t'), _. split.
+ eapply type_ghcast. all: eassumption.
+ cbn. intuition reflexivity.
Corollary elim_ctx :
∀ Γ,
rwf Γ →
∑ Γ', tr_ctx Γ Γ'.
intros Γ hΓ.
induction hΓ as [| Γ m i A hΓ ih hsA hA].
- ∃ []. split. all: constructor.
- destruct ih as [Γ' h'].
eapply elim_reflection in hA as hA'. 2: eassumption.
destruct hA' as [A' [s' hA']].
eapply tr_sort_inv in hA'. 2: apply h'.
eexists. eapply tr_cons. all: eassumption.
Theorem conservativity :
∀ A m i t,
[] ⊢ A : Sort m i →
[] ⊢ˣ t : ε|A| →
cscoping [] t m →
∑ t', [] ⊢ t' : A ∧ t = ε|t'|.
intros A m i t hA ht hmt.
eapply elim_reflection in ht.
2:{ split. 1: constructor. reflexivity. }
destruct ht as [t' [A' [ht' [et eA]]]].
∃ t'. intuition eauto.
eapply type_conv. all: eauto.
- constructor.
- subst.
eapply tr_scoping. all: eauto.
- rewrite <- eA. apply conv_refl.
Consistency (relative to CC again)
Definition grtt_consistency :=
∀ t, [] ⊢ˣ t : bot → False.
Theorem consistency :
cc_consistency →
intros h t ht.
eapply relative_consistency in h. eapply h.
eapply elim_reflection in ht.
2:{ split. 1: constructor. reflexivity. }
destruct ht as [t' [b' ht]].
eapply tr_bot_eq in ht as e. 2: constructor.
∃ t'. apply ht.